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‘New Turkey’: Toward an Authoritarian and Sectarian Police State

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palestina libera

Beiträge: 1665

New PostErstellt: 09.12.15, 11:20  Betreff: ‘New Turkey’: Toward an Authoritarian and Sectarian Police State  drucken  Thema drucken  weiterempfehlen

Tahir Elçi, the president of the bar association in southeastern Diyarbakır province and a determined Kurdish human rights lawyer, was shot dead on Saturday, 28 November, during a press statement he had delivered in Diyarbakır. Photos of Elçi’s dead body lying on the ground quickly overwhelmed social media accounts, symbolizing the deadly difficulty of talking about and fighting for peace at this critical juncture that Turkey, and the region at large, are going through. Despite the fact that Turkey is known for its long history of unsolved political crimes and political violence, Elçi’s assassination is an alarming turning point in the final phase, after the electoral victory of the AKP (Justice and Development Party) in the 1 November elections, of consolidating an authoritarian and sectarian police state.

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New PostErstellt: 09.12.15, 11:50  Betreff: Türkei: Präsidialdiktatur, Staatsterror und EU-Grenze  drucken  weiterempfehlen

Ein Hoffnungsschimmer

Der folgende Text entstand vorwiegend anhand von Diskussionen die in der Zeit zwischen den beiden türkischen Parlamentswahlen 2015 geführt wurden. Wir zeigen eine Entwicklung des türkischen Staates auf, hin zu einem Präsidialsystem mit diktatorischen Zügen.

Durch die Parlamentswahlen am 7. Juni 2015 in der Türkei verlor die bisher regierende islamisch-konservative Partei für Gerechtigkeit und Aufschwung (AKP) nach 13 Jahren ihre Alleinherrschaft. Die HDP (Demokratische Partei der Völker), ein Zusammenschluss verschiedener demokratischer und revolutionärer Organisationen, die sich auch aktiv für die Rechte der KurdInnen engagiert, zog erstmals mit 80 Abgeordneten (13,1 %) ins türkische Parlament ein. Sie überwand die 10% Hürde und verhinderte vorläufig die von Erdogan geplante Einführung eines Präsidialsystems, wofür er eine verfassungsändernde Mehrheit von 60% gebraucht hätte.

Durch das Wahlergebnis konnte die AKP formal nicht mehr alleine regieren. Die Bildung einer neuen Regierung wurde jedoch von Erdogan nicht zugelassen. Somit blieb die alte AKP - Regierung als inoffizielle Übergangsregierung bis zu den Neuwahlen am 01. November bestehen. In dieser Zeit führte die AKP eine militärische Offensive gegen die kurdische Bevölkerung und Repressionsschläge gegen Oppositionelle die bis heute andauern.

Mehr Artikel von der Authorin Sinem Adar , ich habe versucht ihren Artikel
auf deutsch zu finde weil sie in Göttingen wohnt , aber ohne Erfolgt .....

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New PostErstellt: 11.12.15, 11:50  Betreff: Turkey’s Ottoman Hearths: Menacing or benign?  drucken  weiterempfehlen

For a relatively new organisation, it hasn’t taken long for the Ottoman Hearths to instil a sense of fear and revulsion. They have increasingly come into the spotlight for their alleged involvement in notorious acts that include attacks on the offices of political parties, independent media outlets and journalists.

Established in 2009, the Ottoman Hearths now boast close to two million members across the country. Their stated goal is the promotion of an Ottoman system of governance and way of life. Both their leadership and members profess a profound devotion to Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and the political party he hails from: the Justice and Development Party (AKP).

Erdoğan’s Revenge in the Turkish Election

The victory, plainly, was of the AKP – the Justice and Development Party – of President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan. It won just short of half of the votes, giving it 315 seats in the parliament of 550. The threshold for governance is 267, which the AKP was not able to attain in this June’s parliamentary election. Despite having the largest bloc in parliament in that election, Erdoğan’s Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu could not bring in any of the other parties into a coalition. The AKP has become toxic for other parties, although it continues to be able to claim nearly a majority of the voting population. Neither the fascistic Nationalist Movement Party (MHP) nor the Kemalist Republican People’s Party (CHP) wanted to allow their delegates to vote for an AKP minority government. Erdoğan called for new elections. This was a risk. It paid off for the AKP.

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New PostErstellt: 24.12.15, 11:42  Betreff: Anonymous 'declares war' on Turkey, claims responsibility for recent massive cyberattacks  drucken  weiterempfehlen

Leaderless 'hacktivist' group Anonymous has taken responsibility for a recent major cyberattack on Turkey, and have claimed they will continue waging war on the country's internet services due to their belief that the Turkish government is helping Isis.

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New PostErstellt: 08.01.16, 20:41  Betreff: Erdogan: Darling der Tagesschau  drucken  weiterempfehlen

Ja, wenn die Kurden im Format der irakischen Peschmerga von Deutschland die schönen leichten Boden-Boden Panzerabwehrlenkwaffen des Typs MILAN bekommen, um den IS zu bekämpfen, dann können sie kurzfristig Helden sein. Aber wenn sie ganz ordinäre in der Türkei lebende Kurden sind, die um ihre Kultur, Sprache und ihre Leben kämpfen, dann verfallen sie, mitten in Deutschland, der Erdogan-Sprachregelung und werden zu Terroristen. Ich will dann doch lieber nicht für die Tagesschau arbeiten.

Wir, die Akademiker/innen und Wissenschaftler/innen dieses Landes werden nicht Teil dieses Verbrechens sein!

Der Türkische Staat verurteilt seine Bürger/innen in Sur, Silvan, Nusaybin, Cizre und in vielen weiteren Orten mit wochenlangen Ausgangssperren zum Verhungern und Ausdursten. Unter kriegsartigen Zuständen werden ganze Viertel und Stadtteile mit schweren Waffen angegriffen. Das Recht auf Leben und körperliche Unversehrtheit, auf Freiheit und Sicherheit vor Übergriffen, insbesondere das Verbot von Folter und Misshandlung, praktisch alle Freiheitsrechte, die durch die Verfassung und durch die Türkei unterzeichnete internationale Abkommen unter Schutz stehen, werden verletzt und außer Kraft gesetzt.

Diese gezielt und systematisch umgesetzte gewaltsame Vorgehensweise entbehrt jeglicher rechtlicher Grundlage. Sie ist nicht nur ein schwerwiegender Eingriff in die Rechtsordnung, sondern verletzt internationale Rechtsnormen wie das Völkerrecht, an die die Türkei gebunden ist.

Wir fordern den Staat auf, diese Vernichtungs- und Vertreibungspolitik gegenüber der gesamten Bevölkerung der Region, die jedoch hauptsächlich gegen die kurdische Bevölkerung gerichtet ist, sofort einzustellen. Alle Ausgangssperren müssen sofort aufgehoben werden. Die Täter und die Verantwortlichen der Menschenrechtsverletzungen müssen zur Rechenschaft gezogen werden. Die materiellen und immateriellen Schäden, die von der Bevölkerung zu beklagen sind, müssen dokumentiert und wiedergutgemacht werden. Zu diesem Zweck verlangen wir, dass nationale und internationale unabhängige Beobachter freien Zugang zu den zerstörten Gebieten erhalten, um die Situation vor Ort einzuschätzen und zu dokumentieren.

Wir fordern die Regierung auf, die Bedingungen für eine friedliche Beilegung des Konflikts zu schaffen. Hierfür soll die Regierung eine Roadmap vorlegen, die Verhandlungen ermöglicht und die Forderungen der politischen Vertretung der kurdischen Bewegung berücksichtigt. Um die breite Öffentlichkeit in diesen Prozess einzubinden, müssen unabhängige Beobachter aus der Bevölkerung zu den Verhandlungen zugelassen werden. Wir bekunden hiermit unsere Bereitschaft, freiwillig an dem Friedensprozess teilzunehmen. Wir stellen uns gegen alle repressiven Maßnahmen, die auf die Unterdrückung der gesellschaftlichen Opposition gerichtet sind.

Wir fordern die sofortige Einstellung der staatlichen Repressionen gegen die Bürger/innen. Als Akademiker/innen und Wissenschaftler/innen dieses Landes bekunden wir hiermit, dass wir nicht Teil dieser Verbrechen sein werden und in den politischen Parteien, im Parlament und in der internationalen Öffentlichkeit, Initiative ergreifen werden, bis unser Anliegen Gehör findet.

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palestina libera

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New PostErstellt: 15.01.16, 15:27  Betreff: Turkey arrests academics over 'Kurdish massacres' petition  drucken  weiterempfehlen

Turkish police on Friday arrested 21 academics for "terrorist propaganda" over a petition denouncing military operations against Kurdish rebels in the southeast that was severely criticised by President Recep Tayyip Erdogan.

Police arrested the academics from the University of Kocaeli, near Istanbul, in an early morning raid on their homes, the official Anatolia news agency said.

The move came after prosecutors launched a vast investigation into more than 1,200 academics from 90 Turkish universities who signed the declaration. Prosecutors say the signatories were "insulting the state" and engaging in "terrorist propaganda".

From Roboski to Sultanahmet: Turkey as dry as tinder

The bomb was likely detonated by a suicide bomber. President Recep Tayyib Erdogan suggested that the bomber was of Syrian origin.

Turkey is in serious crisis. The government is at war against the Kurds in the southeast; war is raging in Syria and Iraq on the border; and Islamic State is now breathing into Turkey.

Turkey is as vulnerable as the driest tinder.

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New PostErstellt: 06.02.16, 20:36  Betreff: Thomas de Maizière, wir sollten aufhören die Türkei zu kritisieren  drucken  weiterempfehlen

Am vergangenen Donnerstag erklärte der deutsche Innenminister Thomas de Maizière in der ARD-Sendung Monitor, wir sollten aufhören die Türkei zu kritisieren. Dies wird laut Monitor offensichtlich von der Regierung Erdogan als Freibrief gegen die kurdische Bevölkerung und Regierungskritiker verstanden. Die Monitorsendung zeigte mehrere Dokumentaraufnahmen, die einen Einblick gaben, wie erbittert die türkische Regierung Krieg gegen die kurdische Bevölkerung im Südosten des Landes führt.

Yet another death has occurred in the basement where 9 out of 37 trapped people burned to death as a result of attacks by state forces in Şırnak's Cizre district.

Cizre People's Council co-chair Mehmet Tunç who also takes shelter in the mentioned building under fire, stated that 16-year-old Abdullah Gün was shot dead by state forces after he went out of the basement for a while today (Gestern).

While the death toll in the basement rose to 10 since yesterday, there are a total of 27 people with injuries, including children, many of whom have suffered severe burns.

9-year-old murdered by Turkish soldiers at Rojava border

YPG (People's Defense Units) Press Office has released a written statement reporting ongoing attacks by the Turkish military aiming at the YPG's security positions near Kobanê region borderline since October 24 to the time.

The statement said Turkish troops deployed in the border town of Akçakale targeted the northern side of Girê Spî wheat silos and western side of Girê Spî at 18:15 with heavy weaponry yesterday evening. The aggression continued till late night.

On the other hand, ISIS gangs conducted an attack against the southern side of Ayn îsa town of Kobanê which lasted from 10.00 to 11.00 yesterday morning. The village of Shergirat to the east of Ayn îsa was also bombed between 11:00 and 12:00 noon.

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New PostErstellt: 29.02.16, 20:38  Betreff: In Turkey, the Regime Slides from Soft to Hard Totalitarianism  drucken  weiterempfehlen

Any western leader might easily use these words to scold the Turkish state, and its starvation of Kurdish towns to the south-east of the country. But it would be highly unlikely. In fact, John Kerry’s tweet was aimed at the Syrian regime, not the Turkish one.

Why do American leaders describe Assad’s strategy of ‘surrender or starve’ as a war crime, while they ignore Erdoğan’s?

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New PostErstellt: 05.03.16, 23:38  Betreff: Türkische Regierung übernimmt Kontrolle der Oppositionszeitung Zaman  drucken  weiterempfehlen

Was für ein Timing: Die EU bereitet sich auf das Spitzentreffen am Montag mit der Türkei vor, um Lösungen für den Flüchtlingsexodus zu finden und die türkische Regierung führt aller Welt vor, wie ihr Verständnis im Umgang mit Kritikern aussieht. Sie übernimmt gewaltsam die Kontrolle über die auflagenstärkste Oppositionszeitung Zaman (täglich 650.000 im Februar).

Polizisten gingen gestern in Istanbul mit Tränengas und Wasserwerfern gegen eine Menschenmenge vor, die gegen die Aktion protestierten, die Redaktion der Zeitung wurde gestürmt. Grundlage ist ein Gerichtsurteil, demzufolge die Redaktion durch staatliche Treuhänder übernommen wird.

Turkish journalists 'prisoners in our own newsroom' after raid

Journalists at the Turkish Zaman newspaper have reported turning up to work on Saturday to find their office swarming with police, after officers launched a late-night raid to take the building and business over.

“We're now prisoners in our newsrooms under heavy police presence inside Zaman building,” said journalist Abdullah Bozkurt on Twitter.

The paper was raided on Friday under the suspicion that it was acting on orders from the “Fethullahist terror organisation,” a group headed by the US-based cleric Fethullah Gulen, an ally-turned-enemy of President Recep Tayyip Erdogan.

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palestina libera

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New PostErstellt: 10.03.16, 20:16  Betreff: Does Erdogan believe he's on a mission from God?  drucken  weiterempfehlen

During his term as prime minister, Erdogan used to make long speeches at weekly AKP parliamentary meetings, which most television channels broadcast live. After he ascended to the presidency, his audience of AKP lawmakers was replaced by mukhtars, elected leaders of villages and neighborhoods, of which there are 53,000 in Turkey. At certain intervals now, he invites several hundred selected mukhtars to the presidential palace for his speeches, again, broadcast live by almost all television channels.

In one of these speeches earlier this year, Erdogan defied his state of besiegement, the result of his own dead-end foreign policy, assuring the mukhtars that help would come from above. "This or that country may be against us, opposing us — none of this matters,” he said.

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New PostErstellt: 20.03.16, 19:18  Betreff: What it's like to be a foreign journalist in Turkey Read  drucken  weiterempfehlen

On March 17, German journalist Hasnain Kazim, Der Spiegel’s correspondent based in Istanbul, had to leave the country as his press card was not renewed. Kazim reportedly waited three months for the renewal.
While the grim situation of the Turkish media is well-documented and frequently discussed, foreign journalists sustain heavy blows as well. Foreign journalists who do not have Turkish citizenship must obtain a residency permit and a press card to report from Turkey. Both have to be renewed periodically.

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palestina libera

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New PostErstellt: 12.04.16, 21:19  Betreff: Strafanzeige gegen Böhmermann mit schrillen Begleittönen  drucken  weiterempfehlen

Die Bundesregierung betritt wieder Neuland, dank Böhmermann. "Mit den rechtlichen Fragen, die jetzt zu prüfen sind, waren wir in den letzten Jahren nicht befasst", gab Regierungssprecher Seibert gestern Bescheid. Es werde doch ein paar Tage dauern, nicht Wochen, bis die Regierung über die Verbalnote, das förmliche Verlangen der Türkei nach Strafverfolgung entscheide (Hallervorden: "Erdogan, zeig mich an!").

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New PostErstellt: 27.04.16, 20:03  Betreff: Erdogan’s wrath against satire expands into Europe  drucken  weiterempfehlen

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan is not known to be humorous or sympathetic toward those who lampoon him. His anger toward the most innocuous of caricatures surfaced shortly after he became prime minister in 2003. In one of his first acts, which set the tone of his relationship with the press, Erdogan took the daily Cumhuriyet to court for depicting him as a cat entangled in yarn in a cartoon.

AKP will eine islamische Verfassung einführen

Parlamentspräsident Ismail Kahraman von der AKP machte den Vorstoß, Erdogan strebt eine Verfassungsänderung an, um seine Macht als Präsident auszubauen

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New PostErstellt: 06.05.16, 23:25  Betreff: Erdogan urges vote on Turkish presidential powers day after PM quits  drucken  weiterempfehlen

Turkey's President Recep Tayyip Erdogan on Friday urged a rapid switch to a presidential system, a day after his prime minister announced he was quitting.

Erdogan said a referendum should be held as soon as possible to change the constitution to make Turkey stronger and more stable.

His comments came a day after Ahmet Davutoglu announced he was stepping down as prime minister, amid a reported rift with the president over a range of issues including a presidential system.

Critics fear that the reforms would concentrate too much power in Erdogan's hands.

The president meanwhile said Turkey would not change its anti-terrorism legislation for the sake of visa-free travel to Europe for its citizens.

Erdogan said: "We'll go our way, you go yours."

Davutoglu had negotiated the deal.

The EU wants Turkey to revise its terrorism laws, which carry a broad definition of "terrorism", as a condition for allowing Turks to travel to Europe without visas on short stays.

Turkish journalists sentenced to five years after controversial trial

An Istanbul court on Friday sentenced two opposition journalists on controversial charges of revealing state secrets in a trial that has become a lightning rod for concerns about eroding media freedoms inTurkey.

Can Dundar, editor-in-chief of leading opposition daily Cumhuriyet, was sentenced to five years and 10 months, while his Ankara bureau chief Erdem Gul was given five years in prison, television stations said.

The two men were acquitted of espionage, but found guilty of revealing state secrets in a story accusing Turkey's government of seeking to illicitly deliver arms bound for Syria.

'It was directly against me': Gunman shoots at Turkish journalist outside court

A gunman shot at Turkish journalist Can Dundar on Friday as he awaited a verdict in his espionage trial, Turkish media reported.

The Cumhuriyet's editor was shot at outside the court in Istanbul. He was reportedly unharmed and the attacker was arrested.

The attacker apparently shouted "traitor" and fired at least two rounds, possibly three.

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New PostErstellt: 14.05.16, 22:09  Betreff: Resentment over Sykes-Picot deal still drives Turkey foreign policy  drucken  weiterempfehlen

Resentment remains over the Sykes-Picot Agreement between Britain and France that carved up the Middle East from the ruins of the Ottoman Empire 100 years ago and continues to be a major factor in Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan's foreign policy.

The May 1916 accord was signed 100 years ago on Monday by two British and French diplomats and drafted as defeat began to loom in World War I for Germany and its allies. They sought to create spheres of influence in the Ottoman-ruled Middle East which to a large extent helped define the borders of modern states including Syria, Lebanon, Iraq and Israel.

After the founding of the Turkish Republic by Mustafa Kemal Ataturk in 1923, the state stepped back from Ottoman imperialism, focusing on building a strong nation within its own borders.

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palestina libera

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New PostErstellt: 17.05.16, 00:52  Betreff: Erdoğan und sein Clan  drucken  weiterempfehlen

Zur Person: Recep Tayyip Erdoğan ist ein Mann von ganz unten. "Er ist einer von ihnen. Er spricht ihre Sprache." Er hat sich durch Fleiß und Ehrgeiz hochgearbeitet. Er hat es den elitären Reichen gezeigt. Er bietet einfache Lösungen für ihre Probleme an. Er verspricht, dass sie etwas vom großen Kuchen abbekommen. Dass sie, wenn sie ihm folgen und loyale Türken sind, ein gutes Leben haben werden. Dass er sie als Vaterfigur gegen "Feinde" im Innern und Außen beschützt. Er, der Mann aus dem Volk, wird den Kampf gegen die "Feinde der Türkei" für sie aufnehmen. Das kommt an. Vor allem in Zeiten, wo die Geschäfte schlecht stehen.

CCTV footage shows former Turkish minister punching security guard

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New PostErstellt: 18.05.16, 23:24  Betreff: Will Turkey let UN officials snoop in the southeast?  drucken  weiterempfehlen

Turkey’s US and European allies continue to maintain a near silence over the country’s steady descent into a human rights nightmare, even as respected global watchdogs chronicle the abuses taking place there on an almost daily basis. Whether it is silencing the media, torture during detention or mass violence against civilians in the mainly Kurdish southeast, according to rights defenders, Turkey is beginning to resemble the Middle East dictatorships that it was once touted as a model for them to follow.

Koran, Kommerz und Korruption - Die Türkei im Umbruch

Staatspräsident Tayyip Recep Erdogan, hat in den letzten Jahren tatkräftig die Weichen gestellt für eine "neue Türkei", in der die Macht weitgehend in seinen eigenen Händen konzentriert ist. (Von letzte Jahr..)

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"Neben Al-Assad ist Erdogan der Hauptverursacher des schmutzigen Krieges in Syrien"

Kommendes Wochenende wird die deutsche Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel in der Türkei eintreffen. Offiziell heißt es, Frau Merkel wolle die türkische Regierung, insbesondere den Staatspräsidenten Recep Tayyip Erdogan, dazu auffordern, den EU-Türkei-Deal umzusetzen.

Nach Abschluss dieses Deals müsste die Türkei dafür sorgen, dass keine Flüchtlinge mehr über die Türkei nach Griechenland bzw. in EU-Länder kommen. Als eine der wichtigsten Gegenleistungen und Zugeständnisse seitens der EU an die Türkei gilt die Aufhebung der Visapflicht für die etwa 80 Millionen Staatsbürger der Türkei. Dies wäre ein bedeutender Schritt auf dem langen Weg der Türkei in die EU. Da die Visafreiheit für türkische Staatsbürger aber ein weitreichendes Zugeständnis wäre, verlangt Brüssel von der Regierung in Ankara die Umsetzung von 72 Bedingungen.

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New PostErstellt: 22.05.16, 21:26  Betreff: How a Turkish opposition party turned pro-Erdogan  drucken  weiterempfehlen

On May 15, four prominent politicians of Turkey's third-largest party, the Nationalist Action Party (MHP), headed to a hotel in Ankara. They had invited thousands of supporters, including hundreds of party delegates, and they were planning to have a "snap party congress," as announced beforehand. But they found the hotel blocked by a squadron of policemen, who were ready to use tear gas and water cannons to disperse them. After a few hours of people shouting and several brief press statements, the politicians and the crowd dispersed; the MHP snap congress did not take place — at least for now.

Boris Johnson wins ‘most offensive Erdogan poem’ contest

Former London Mayor Boris Johnson has won the “President Erdogan Offensive Poetry competition” held by the Spectator. The flamboyant Brexiteer, a former editor of the magazine, is to be awarded £1,000 for a limerick which alleges that Erdogan had sex with a goat.

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New PostErstellt: 12.06.16, 22:58  Betreff: Turkey introduces bill to grant soldiers fighting 'terrorists' immunity  drucken  weiterempfehlen

Turkey’s parliament has introduced a bill to grant immunity to soldiers involved in operations against designated “terrorist” groups.

Also according to the draft bill produced by the defence ministry, an offence committed by the security services will be deemed a “military crime” and will be tried in a military court.

The bill, introduced on Friday, will cover Turkish Armed Forces (TSK) personnel and civil servants “tasked within the battle against terrorism,” according to the Turkish Minute website.

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New PostErstellt: 19.06.16, 11:40  Betreff: Erdogan vows to complete park project, despite deadly protests  drucken  weiterempfehlen

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said on Saturday that a controversial redevelopment of an Istanbul park that sparked major anti-government protests in 2013 would go ahead, despite opposition from secular Turks.

"A project that we need to address in a courageous manner is Gezi park in Taksim. We will build this historic structure," he said in a speech in Istanbul.

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New PostErstellt: 25.06.16, 09:46  Betreff: Türkisches Parlament gewährt Militär Immunität im Kampf gegen die PKK  drucken  weiterempfehlen

Am 20 Juni wurden Şebnem Korur Fincancı, die Präsidentin der Menschenrechtsstiftung der Türkei (HRTF), sowie Erol Önderoğlu, der türkische Korrespondent von Reporter ohne Grenzen, und der Journalist Ahmet Nesin verhaftet. Sie hatten symbolisch zur Unterstützung der prokurdischen Zeitung Ozgur Gundem jeweils einen Tag lang die Position des Chefredakteurs eingenommen. Im Mai waren 12 Redaktionsmitglieder der Zeitung festgenommen worden, wie sie angeblich die PKK unterstützen würden. Seitdem hatten 44 Intellektuelle solidarisch die Position des Chefredakteurs eingenommen.

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New PostErstellt: 16.07.16, 15:32  Betreff: Ein Bild zeigt mehr als 1000 Wörten.....  drucken  weiterempfehlen

Türkischen faschisten zusammen mit Erdogan Anhänger feier dass das mitlitär Putch dem Erdogan Putch nicht gestürtz wurde ...

The AKP mind content with the massacre in France

The massacre in Nice, France where more than 80 people lost their lives was met with glee from the AKP/Palace mind.

Anatolian Agency (AA) reporter Ali Kahrıman wrote in a tweet: “It might be a faulty break for the truck that drove into the crowd in France... It’s not terror...” The tweet ends with a face with tears of joy emoticon.

AKP Central Committee member and İstanbul MP Burhan Kuzu used the following expression in his controversial tweet: “The West is still protecting PKK and PYD; the approach to ‘let the sleeping dogs lie’ will come back and hit everybody one by one like this. The European Parliament still opens an exhibition for PKK terrorist organisation and tries to paint them as innocents.”

Anatomy of a Turkish assassination fable

It was all over the front pages in Turkey: "The No. 2 leader of the Kurdistan Workers Party [PKK], Fehman Huseyin [also known as Bahoz Erdal], has been killed.” Those who believed this news report were deemed "patriots," but those who questioned it were “terror supporters.” This is how the pro-government newspapers classify journalists.

Arms AKP sent to ISIS in trucks discovered in Manbij

KCK statement on the coup attempt in Turkey

KCK Executive Council Co-Presidency stated that portraying Tayyip Erdoğan and the fascist AKP dictator as if they were democratic after this coup attempt is an approach even more dangerous than the coup attempt itself.


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New PostErstellt: 17.07.16, 10:42  Betreff: Zum Putsch: Keine der Konfliktparteien verteidigt die Demokratie  drucken  weiterempfehlen

Mit einer Erklärung hat die Gemeinschaft der Gesellschaften Kurdistans (KCK) die Ereignisse in der Türkei rund um den Putschversuch in der vergangenen Nacht bewertet. Die KCK macht in ihrer Erklärung deutlich, dass es sich bei den Ereignissen nicht um einen Machtkampf zwischen Demokraten und Putschisten handelt. Vielmehr habe eine Militärclique den Putsch gegen eine andere Militärclique geprobt. Die AKP werde nun im Nachgang zu den Ereignissen versuchen, politischen Profit aus dem Putschversuch zu erzielen und sich zur Hüterin der Demokratie stilisieren. Dabei habe Erdoğan und seine AKP selbst nach den Wahlen vom 7. Juni 2015 gemeinsam mit der faschistischen MHP und dem Militär gegen den Willen der Bevölkerung geputscht.

Die vollständige Erklärung der KCK lautet wie folgt:

urkey's coup may have failed – but history shows it won’t be long before another one succeeds

Recep Tayyip Erdogan had it coming. The Turkish army was never going to remain compliant while the man who would recreate the Ottoman Empire turned his neighbours into enemies and his country into a mockery of itself. But it would be a grave mistake to assume two things: that the putting down of a military coup is a momentary matter after which the Turkish army will remain obedient to its sultan; and to regard at least 161 deaths and more than 2,839 detained in isolation from the collapse of the nation-states of the Middle East.

Coup Against Wannabe-Sultan Failed - Beware The Aftermath

There are three possible motives/perpetrators behind this coup:

the Islamic movement following the preacher Fetullah Gülen, a former Erdogan ally and now arch-enemy who lives in the U.S. and has CIA relations;
the old Kemalist secularist movement in the military and deep state;
the Erdogan AKP movement in a false flag operation to seize more power;

Turkey coup: 2,700 judges removed from duty following failed overthrow attempt

Turkey Suspends All US Operations Against ISIS At Incirlik Airbase, Which Vaults B61 Nuclear Bombs

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New PostErstellt: 18.07.16, 18:26  Betreff: Erdogans Röhm-Putsch  drucken  weiterempfehlen

Wenn es eine Zeit gibt, um sich in Verschwörungstheorien zu ergehen, dann ist es während eines Umsturzversuches. Dieser geht ja zwangsläufig mit einer Verschwörung derjenigen Machtzirkel einher, die im Geheimen den Sturz einer Regierung planen. Ohne Verschwörung kann eine Junta logischerweise niemals erfolgreich sei. Generell gehören Verschwörungen zu den ältesten Machttechniken, die schon im frühen Altertum, am Beginn des Zivilisationsprozesses im Zweistromland, zur Anwendung gelangten.

Türkei: Putsch oder Inszenierung?

Es drängen sich Parallelen zum letzten Putsch in Spanien 1981 auf, der zur Absicherung der Monarchie diente

Fragen und Zweifel gibt es viele angesichts des Putschversuchs in der Türkei (Erdogans Röhm-Putsch). So stellen diverse Beobachter und Experten fest, wie dilettantisch, kopflos und mit geringen Kräften anscheinend versucht wurde, die Macht im ganzen Land zu übernehmen. "Wenn man sieht, wie dilettantisch der Putsch gelaufen ist, dann hat man fast den Eindruck, dass da jemand die Drähte gezogen hat", erklärte zum Beispiel der Türkei-Experte Udo Steinbach. Er schließt nicht aus, dass es genau Erdogan sein könnte, dem "jedes Mittel" recht sei, "um seine Macht zu erhalten".

WikiLeaks to release Turkey power structure documents

WikiLeaks has said it is planning to release documents on Turkey's political power structure, after a failed coup attempt over the weekend that left hundreds dead, thousands injured and more than 7,500 suspects in custody.

"Get ready for a fight as we release 100k+ docs on #Turkey's political power structure," the whistle-blowing organisation said on Monday via its official Twitter feed.

A majority of the documents will be in Turkish, WikiLeaks said.

Coup d'état attempt: Turkey’s Reichstag fire?

On the evening of July 15, 2016, a friend called around 10:30pm and said that both bridges connecting the Asian and European sides of Istanbul were closed by military barricades. Moreover, military jets were flying over Ankara skies. As someone living on the European side of Istanbul and commuting to the Asian side to my university on a daily basis and spending many hours in traffic in order to do that, I immediately knew that the closure of both bridges was a sign of something very extraordinary taking place.

Turkey's Attempted Coup

Turkey's democracy is dead. It was dying anyway, as President Recep Tayyib Erdogan took over media outlets, arrested political opponents and journalists, and even re-started a war with the Kurds last autumn in order to win an election. But once part of the army launched a coup attempt on Friday night, it was dead no matter which way the crisis ended.

It wasn't a very competent coup attempt. The first rule of coup-making is: arrest or kill the person you are trying to overthrow. The coup leaders should have been able to grab Erdogan, who was on holiday at the seaside resort of Marmaris, but they didn’t.

They didn't shut down the internet and social media either, so Erdogan was able to use his cellphone to get a message out on FaceTime, calling on his supporters to defy the soldiers on the streets of Istanbul and Ankara. They didn't even shut down the broadcast media that sent Erdogan's call out to the public.

It was three hours before they occupied the offices of TRT, the state broadcaster, and they were chased out again by Erdogan less than an hour later. They didn't ever try to shut down the private television networks, which have a much bigger audience.

Putin calls Erdogan, hopes for speedy return to stability

Did Erdogan STAGE the coup? US-based Turkish cleric facing extradition over botched rebellion claims president orchestrated plot to justify a clampdown on civil rights

New Ties Emerge Between Clinton And Mysterious Islamic Cleric

A newly-released email and lobbying documents filed with Congress reveals new ties between Clintonworld and members of a network operated by a mysterious Islamic cleric from Turkey.

Connections between Clinton and acolytes of the imam, Fethullah Gulen, could muddle the complex relationship between the U.S. and Turkey, a key NATO ally, if the former secretary of state wins the White House.

Turkey Accuses US Of Being Behind Military Coup, Demands Extradition Of Cleric Gulen

When earlier today we reported that Turkey has closed the airspace above, and suspended all US-led air missions out of the giant Incirlik airbase (which houses some 50 US nuclear bombs), we said that there is speculation the "airbase may be held "hostage" by Ankara as a bargaining chip ahead of demands for the extradition of Erdogan's arch enemy, Fethullah Gulen, currently a resident of the state of Pennsylvania." A few hours later this was partially validated when during a televised speech, Turkish President Erdogan called on the United States to extradite Fethullah Gulen, a US-based Muslim cleric he accuses of being behind Turkey's failed coup attempt.

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New PostErstellt: 19.07.16, 21:57  Betreff: Das Volk will nicht zwischen einem Militärputsch und einer Ein-Mann- bzw. Eine-Partei-Diktatur wähle  drucken  weiterempfehlen

Das Volk will nicht zwischen einem Militärputsch und einer Ein-Mann- bzw. Eine-Partei-Diktatur wählen!
Die Antwort heißt: Verteidigung der demokratischen Rechte, der politischen Freiheit und Kampf für eine Volksdemokratie!

Türkei: Über 13.000 Personen von "Säuberungen" betroffen

Nach dem gescheiterten Putschversuch in der Türkei gehen die am Samstag begonnenen "Säuberungen" weiter: Inzwischen sollen 7.500 Personen festgenommen und 13.000 Beschäftigte im öffentlichen Dienst suspendiert worden sein - wie stark sich die beiden Gruppen überschneiden, ist nicht bekannt. Unter den Suspendierten befinden sich 2.745 Justizangehörige, 7.899 Polizisten und 30 der insgesamt 81 Provinzgouverneure; unter den Festgenommenen 103 Generäle. Sieben Personen wurden auf dem Luftwaffenstützpunkt Incirlik festgenommen, auf dem auch Bundeswehrsoldaten stationiert sind.

Turkey government seemed to have list of arrests prepared: EU's Hahn

The swift rounding up of judges and others after a failed coup in Turkey indicated the government had prepared a list beforehand, the EU commissioner dealing with Turkey's membership bid, Johannes Hahn, said on Monday.

Behind The CIA Desperate Turkey Coup Attempt

On the evening of July 15, a group of Turkish army officers announced that they had staged a military coup d’etat and had assumed control of the country. They claimed that Erdogan was in a desperate flight for his life and that they were now in the process of restoring order. The only problem for those army officers and their sponsors far away in Langley, Virginia and Saylorsburg, Pennsylvania– where Turkish political operator, Fetullah Gülen, hides in exile under CIA protection–is that they did not succeed. Behind the coup attempt is a far more dramatic story of the huge geopolitical shift that the often unpredictable political survivor, President (still) Recep Erdogan, was in the midst of making when Gülen’s loyalists made their desperate, now apparently failed coup attempt. What follows is a series of Q&A remarks to the background of the dramatic events unfolding in a pivotal part of the geopolitical order.

Hell Hath No Fury Like a Teflon Sultan

Ankara and Washington are now on a certified collision course

The End is near

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New PostErstellt: 20.07.16, 22:47  Betreff: Putschversuch und Gefahr des Bürgerkriegs?  drucken  weiterempfehlen

Nur kurz hielt das Aufatmen am Wochenende an, als sich herausstellte, dass der Putschversuch in der Türkei gescheitert und die Gefahr einer Militärdiktatur abgewendet war. Doch nun scheint das Land am Rande des Abgrunds zu stehen. Präsident Recep Tayyip Erdogan führt eine beispiellose Säuberungsaktion durch, Kritiker und Gegner auf allen staatlichen Ebenen werden ausgeschaltet. Wie kam es dazu? Wie sieht die Lage derzeit aus? Droht der Türkei ein Bürgerkrieg?

Work travel ban on academics after failed coup

Säuberungen im Bildungsbereich

Nachdem in den letzten Tagen 13.000 Mitarbeiter von Justiz, Polizei und Verwaltung aus dem Dienst entfernt wurden, ermitteln die türkischen Behörden örtlichen Berichten nach gegen 15.200 Staatsbedienstete an Schulen und Universitäten. Angeblichwurden alleine 1.577 Universitätsdekane zum Rücktritt aufgefordert.

21.000 Lehrer an Privatschulen dürfen vorerst nicht mehr unterrichten. Privatschulen werden in der Türkei in großer Zahl von der Gülen-Sekte betrieben, die Staatspräsident Erdoğans für den Putschversuch vom Freitag verantwortlich macht. Der in den USA lebende Sektenführer Gülen und der AKP-Anführer waren früher enge Verbündete, überwarfen sich aber vor einigen Jahren.

Wenig Hoffnung für geflüchtete mutmaßliche Putschisten

Das diplomatisch-juristische Gerangel um die acht türkischen Staatsbürger, die mit einem Militärhubschrauber im griechischen Grenzort Alexandroupolis landeten (Griechenland-Türkei: Diplomatisches Dilemma), geht weiter. Wegen der üblichen Anklagen, mit denen theoretisch alle illegalen Grenzübertritte geahndet werden, und der mit dem Hubschrauberflug zusammenhängenden Vorwürfe der Verletzungen des Luftfahrtrechts mussten sie am Montag vor dem Schnellgericht erscheinen.

Turkish fighters 'scrambled to track navy boats headed for Greece'

Turkey reportedly scrambled fighter jets on Wednesday to check reports that missing coastguard vessels were sailing to Greek waters in the Aegean Sea, reports say.

The Reuters news agency quoted Turkish military sources as saying the planes had been sent to monitor the boats, but provided no further details.

The Turkish Dogan news agency also reported officials as saying the air force planes "launched an operation against two Turkish coastguard boats identified to be attempting to cross into Greek territorial waters".

The reports come five days after a failed coup against the government in Turkey.

Turkish intel informed top generals hours before coup attempt, says army

Turkey’s National Intelligence Organization (MİT) informed the country’s top generals hours before the coup attempt was initiated by a group of soldiers within the army on July 15, while Chief of General Staff Gen. Hulusi Akar evaluated the information and issued all necessary warnings and orders against “this despicable and miserable attempt,” according to a statement published on the General Staff’s official website on July 19.

Why Iran stood with Erdogan

As July 15 was coming to an end in Tehran, Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif was on the phone with his Turkish counterpart Mevlut Cavusoglu, whose government was under the threat of being overthrown by a military coup. Meanwhile, Ali Shamkhani, the secretary of Iran’s Supreme National Security Council (SNSC), was on another line with security officials in Ankara. All the while, Qasem Soleimani, the commander of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps’ Quds Force, Iran’s regional military arm, was busy pursuing and reviewing various scenarios that might emerge.

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New PostErstellt: 22.07.16, 11:45  Betreff: Türkei im Ausnahmezustand: "Wir haben Angst"  drucken  weiterempfehlen

Präsident Erdogan hat für drei Monate den Ausnahmezustand ausgerufen. Wie erleben diejenigen, die nicht für die AKP sind, die Lage?

Um zu erinnirung.....
"Es gibt aktuell Beispiele in der Welt und auch Beispiele in der Vergangenheit. Wenn Sie an Hitler-Deutschland denken, haben Sie eines. In anderen Staaten werden Sie ähnliche Beispiele finden." von Erdogan....

The Coup in Turkey has Thrown a Wrench in Uncle Sam’s “Pivot” Plan

A failed coup in Turkey has changed the geopolitical landscape overnight realigning Ankara with Moscow while shattering Washington’s plan to redraw the map of the Middle East. Whether Turkish strongman Recep Tayyip Erdogan staged the coup or not is of little importance in the bigger scheme of things. The fact is, the incident has consolidated his power domestically while derailing Washington’s plan to control critical resources and pipeline corridors from Qatar to Europe. The Obama administrations disregard for the national security interests of its allies, has pushed the Turkish president into Moscow’s camp, removing the crucial landbridge between Europe and Asia that Washington needs to maintain its global hegemony into the new century. Washington’s plan to pivot to Asia, surround and break up Russia, control China’s growth and maintain its iron grip on global power is now in a shambles. The events of the last few days have changed everything.

Dissecting Turkey's Gulen-Erdogan relationship

Should Gulen face trial for Turkish coup attempt?

Internationale Richtervereinigung spricht vom "zweiten Staatsstreich"

Türkei - Drehkreuz des Terrors?

Die Türkei ist zur Zielscheibe terroristischer Attentate geworden. Seit einem Jahr häufen sich die Anschläge und treffen auch die großen Städte Ankara und Istanbul. Hat der türkische Staat die Islamisten im eigenen Land zu lange geduldet? Wie kam es zu dieser Entwicklung? In der Dokumentation begeben sich Halil Gülbeyaz und sein Team auf die Spuren der "Gotteskrieger".

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New PostErstellt: 25.07.16, 12:10  Betreff: Amnesty International erhebt Foltervorwürfe gegen türkische Polizei  drucken  weiterempfehlen

Seit dem gescheiterten Putschversuch in der Türkei kursieren Bilder von Gefangenen im Netz. Sie stellen Menschen bloß, die malträtiert werden oder wurden. Die Absicht der entwürdigenden Bilder ist eindeutig: Es geht um Demütigung und um die Erzeugung von Furcht. Menschen in der Türkei werden sich reiflich überlegen, was sie wem genau sagen. Die Bilder werden in der Türkei gesehen. Die türkischen Medien sparen nicht mit Anschauungsmaterial, so der Vorwurf, der einem Bericht von Amnesty International zu entnehmen ist.

Erdogan's crackdown on enemies just getting started after failed coup

On July 23, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan closed thousands of charities and private schools as he expanded his crackdown in the aftermath of the failed July 15 coup. A restructuring of the military is also in the cards. Kadri Gursel reports that 35% (124 of 358) of the generals and admirals in Turkey’s armed forces (TSK) have been arrested, and that the coup was “widespread” with “nationwide tentacles.” He writes that, except for the Turkish navy, “it would not be an exaggeration to estimate that between one-third and one-half of forces on the ground had joined the uprising at various levels.”

Turks mass for post-coup Taksim Square ‘democracy festival’

Hundreds of thousands of flag-waving Turks massed on Sunday for the first cross-party rally to condemn the coup attempt against President Recep Tayyip Erdogan.

Istanbul's Taksim Square was transformed into a sea of red national flags in what was dubbed a "democracy festival".

Demirtaş: ‘Turkish national front’ approach won’t solve the issues

Demirtaş spoke about the President Erdoğan inviting leaders of CHP, MHP and AKP and not sending them an invitation. Demirtaş said, “If they again want to act like HDP doesn’t exist and say they will solve the issues around a ‘Turkish national front’, that’s their prerogative, but this approach is very wrong and lacking.”

President Tayyip Erdoğan will meet with the leaders of AKP, MHP and CHP today to congratulate them on their approach to the coup attempt. But HDP, who had proposed a leaders summit before and had also signed the joint petition against the coup in the parliament, wasn’t invited to the meeting. HDP Co-chair Selahattin Demirtaş talked about this situation in his talk with a group of journalists.

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New PostErstellt: 29.07.16, 13:01  Betreff: Die Tage nach dem Militärputsch in Istanbul  drucken  weiterempfehlen

Eine Sammlung der Ereignisse vor Ort abseits der Mainstreammedien
Die kommerziellen Massenmedien in Europa waren in den letzten beiden Wochen seit dem Militärputsch am 15.Juli voll mit Informationen über die politischen Ereignisse in der Türkei, betreffend dem Vorgehen der AKP-Regierung, gegen Gülen-AnhängerInnen. Die folgenden Ausführungen sollen einen Eindruck über die Situation vor Ort, auf den Straßen und Plätzen in Istanbul geben.

The coup and the purge

All coups and coup attempts are, in and of themselves, are civil wars of small scale; they have winners and losers. While the consequences of the conflict, the fate of the losers, and the way in which the regime will be reshaped primarily depend upon the ideology and intentions of the winner, the former is also contingent upon the character of the means that put an end to the conflict. If only what suppressed the July 15 insurrection were mobilizations led by a democratic mass, new revolutionary democratic winds might have been blowing in the country now. Unfortunately that is not what happened; the coup attempt was deflated and eventually suppressed as a result of conflicts and schemes among the organs of the state.

AKP und CHP: Die neue Einigkeit

Das Parlament habe eine Einigung erzielt, verkündete der türkische Ministerpräsident Yildirim am Montag. Die Parteien wollen nun gemeinsam an einer Verfassungsänderung arbeiten. Gemeint sind die drei größten Parteien AKP, CHP und MHP. Die prokurdische HDP war von den Beratungen ausgeschlossen. Es war davon auszugehen, dass sie ihre Zustimmung nicht erteilt hätte. Also überging man sie - parlamentarische Demokratie auf Türkisch. Derweil bemüht sich die CHP um Einigkeit.

'Ataturk's soldiers' rally to Erdogan in rare show of Turkish unity

Secularists, nationalists and government supporters put differences aside, united in anger at foreign coverage of post-coup crackdown

Massive sackings begin under Turkey’s state of emergency

Turkish media and the country’s armed forces were targeted by the government on Wednesday for the first time since a state of emergency was declared in the country on 20 July after a botched coup attempt five days earlier.

More than 100 top officers and hundreds from the lower ranks were dishonourably dismissed, marking the biggest purge of the Turkish armed forces since the formation of the Turkish Republic in 1923.

A decree published in the official gazette on Wednesday evening also announced the closure of scores of media outlets.

Based on available information, the breakdown of the dishonourable dismissals in the armed forces is:

Army: 87 generals, 726 officers and 256 junior officers.
Air Force: 30 generals, 314 officers and 117 officers.
Navy: 32 admirals, 59 officers and 63 junior officers.

Turkey also closed more than 100 news outlets:

3 news agencies
16 TV stations
23 radio stations
45 newspapers
15 magazines
29 publishers and distributors

Turkey's failed coup reveals 'army within an army'

As of July 21, 124 Turkish generals and admirals have been detained on charges of participating in the failed coup of July 15. This will significantly affect the integrity and performance of the Turkish Armed Forces (TSK), as the TSK's total number of generals and admirals was 358. In other words, almost 35% of all TSK generals and admirals are in detention for participating in a coup attempt outside the armed forces hierarchy.

Turkey's coup may have failed – but history shows it won’t be long before another one succeeds

Too late did Erdogan realise the cost of the role he had chosen for his country – when you can no longer trust your army, there are serious issues that need to be addressed

Kurdish response to Turkish coup attempt

The pro-Kurdish People’s Democratic Party (HDP) said in a statement on Saturday that it’s against any form of military coups in Turkey. Also, other opposition parties rejected the coup launched by elements in the Turkish army against the Turkish government.

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New PostErstellt: 10.08.16, 20:38  Betreff: Die Aleviten in der Türkei stehen unter Generalverdacht  drucken  weiterempfehlen

"Liebste Heimat, sie nehmen dich mir weg, ich frage mich, gibt’s dich noch? Ich fühle mich so leer, so unbeholfen und ausgesetzt. Den hungrigen Wölfen ausgesetzt, die unsere Verzweiflung ausnutzen", schrieb die junge Alevitin Eda Pekinsoy in einem Appell, in dem sie ihre Ängste und ihre Sorgen über das Schicksal der alevitischen Minderheit in der Türkei zur Sprache brachte.

Die junge Alevitin ist eine von 700.000 bis 800.000 Aleviten, die seit Jahrzenten in Deutschland beheimatet und bestens integriert sind. Zur Zeit machen sie sich große Sorgen um ihre Glaubensschwestern und -brüder in der Türkei. Die 20 Millionen Aleviten, die in der Türkei leben (Kurden, Türken und Araber) sind sehr besorgt über ihre Zukunft. Diese Sorgen und Ängste der Aleviten wurden gestärkt durch Massenverhaftungen nach dem gescheiterten Militärputsch am 15. Juli 2016.

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New PostErstellt: 11.08.16, 19:12  Betreff: Turkey's conscientious objectors fear post-coup rise in militarism  drucken  weiterempfehlen

When he graduated from college facing the prospect of mandatory national service, Onur Erem emailed the General Staff of Turkey’s armed forces to ask what punishment he would face as a conscientious objector.

A military staff member replied, telling Erem bluntly that he could not avoid service. Erem responded that he knew his pacifist objections were not legally recognised - but he wanted to know what might happen if he did object.

The answer was not straightforward - conscientious objection is still a relatively new concept in Turkey, which has for years required at least six months' service from young men.

Those who have objected have faced arrest, and some have alleged abuse during their time in custody. Meanwhile, calls from the EU that the rights of conscientious objectors be recognised have gone unheeded.

Syrians shifting demographics in Turkey’s Kurdish regions

Five years into the Syrian civil war, not one of Turkey’s 81 provinces is without a refugee community, big or small. The border province of Sanliurfa tops the list in numbers of refugees, with 401,000 Syrians, followed by Istanbul with 394,000. Bartin, on the Black Sea coast, has the fewest, at 27. In terms of region, the southeast has the largest concentration of refugees, with the provinces of Gaziantep, Diyarbakir, Sanliurfa, Batman, Adiyaman, Siirt, Mardin, Kilis and Sirnak hosting a total of slightly more than 1 million Syrians. In other words, more than a third of the 2.75 million Syrians in Turkey live in the southeast, mainly because of kinship and cultural bonds with border communities, among other factors.

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New PostErstellt: 12.08.16, 19:21  Betreff: Turkey charges pro-Kurdish MPs with 'terrorist propaganda'  drucken  weiterempfehlen

Two senior pro-Kurdish MPs have been charged for engaging in “terrorist propaganda" and supporting PKK militants in the first prosecution after the lifting of their parliamentary immunity.

The indictment on Friday named Selahattin Demirtas, the co-chairman of the Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP), and Sirri Sureyya Onder, a veteran leftist politician.

Prosecutors cite remarks made by Demirtas and Onder in 2013 where they allegedly praised the Kurdistan Workers Party, known as the PKK, and its imprisoned leader Abdullah Ocalan, the Dogan News Agency reported.

Türkei: Die assimilierte Opposition?

In Yenikapi am Istanbuler Bosporusufer fand am vergangenen Sonntag eine Premiere statt: Die AKP veranstaltete eine Massenkundgebung – an ihrer Seite die Oppositionsparteien CHP und MHP, außerdem hielt der Oberkommandant der Armee, Hulusi Akar, eine Rede. Auf Druck von CHP-Chef Kemal Kilicdaroglu wurden keinerlei Parteisymbole gezeigt und auch die Zuhörer angewiesen, keine mitzubringen. Das Ergebnis war ein Meer türkischer Flaggen über (je nach Quelle) mehreren Hunderttausend bis mehreren Millionen Menschen. Eine Demonstration neuer Einigkeit auf politischer Ebene oder die Selbstassimilierung der Opposition?

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New PostErstellt: 23.08.16, 21:58  Betreff: Turks traumatised by Erdogan's post-coup crackdown  drucken  weiterempfehlen

The sheer scale of Turkey’s post-coup crackdown, and the secretive nature of the organisation whose members are being hunted down, have placed Turkish society at risk of developing severe psychological trauma, warned political and social observers.

Mustafa and Selma are a typical apolitical Turkish middle-class married couple whose main focus in life is their three-year-old son. Like millions of Turks, they sat transfixed in front of their television screens on the night of 15 July as a military coup was unfolding and say they were immensely relieved the following morning when the attempt was thwarted. The relief, however, has proved short-lived. More than a month since the coup, they say they feel an overwhelming sense of panic and paranoia as officials have embarked on a crackdown. Like many other ordinary residents, they say they are too scared to give their real names to journalists, in case of reprisal.

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New PostErstellt: 29.08.16, 16:13  Betreff: AKP responsible for the mass poisoning in Elbistan  drucken  weiterempfehlen

15 thousand people from 16 neighborhoods housing 140 thousand people were poisoned and went to hospitals or health centers in Maraş’s Elbistan district on August 28. The district’s water system is believed to be the cause of the poisoning, but Kahramanmaraş Water and Sewerage Services (KASKİ denied these claims. Similar disasters in history and the extent of the poisoning, however, point at water poisoning as the only possible explanation. KASKİ and the AKP municipality in the district had recently dumped the remains of their fly spray by the creek in Elbistan and caused the destruction of all living things here.

HDP Elbistan District Co-President Hüseyin Yıldırım emphasized that water poisoning is the only possible explanation, and the majority of the people recently poisoned live in working class neighborhoods.

Yıldırım underlined that the majority of the people recently poisoned in Elbistan were Kurds and Alevis living in working class neighborhoods, and KASKİ and the AKP municipality have been trying to cover up their role in the poisoning of thousands of people.

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New PostErstellt: 01.09.16, 13:50  Betreff: Last article about the last process in Turkey  drucken  weiterempfehlen

Istanbul Yenikapi Rally that was realized last Sunday is an important example showing the extent of political mobilization in Turkey, happening in the last month. The rally, which was joined by five million people and the leaders of opposition parties (except HDP), showing "unity of the protectors of democracy", actually had multiple messages targeting both domestic and foreign politics. During the coup process, which can be described as the clashing of power groups inside the state, it looks like president Erdogan and AKP Government managed to talk different political groups into their "politics for coup process". ---- What Happened? ---- The existence of state on the lands we live on, is directly related to the existence of the army, especially considering its relation during the founding process. Coup is a term that has an important place in the political life of the Turkish Republic. One can see how the coup, as an inevitable political reality of the existence of state in these lands, affects the current state policies considering the latest coup that occurred, the 1980 Coup. What happened on July 15, has a character that continues this political reality. The army who wanted to intervene the political power tried to take control of strategically important state buildings; many bureaucrats in strategically important positions were taken hostage, the parliament and intelligence buildings were bombed, bridges and airports were blocked by soldiers, clashes occurred between soldiers and the police. The five hour coup attempt was terminated with different and rapid maneuvers of the current government and especially of president Erdogan. Among these maneuvers, notable factors are control of the media, control of the civil and mass mobilization through the media and the control of law enforcement under Ministry of Internal Affairs.

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New PostErstellt: 05.09.16, 13:12  Betreff: Turkey expands assault on independent media  drucken  weiterempfehlen

Mustafa Akyol writes that the attempted military coup in Turkey on July 15 and subsequent crackdown by the Turkish government has “opened a whole new chapter in the nation’s history. The followers of Fethullah Gulen, seen by most political groups and ideological camps as being behind the coup, have become the national 'enemy within.' This perspective, of course, has quite worrying consequences, for it leads to collective demonization and punishment, and the Gulen community includes many innocent people who are unaware of the group’s darker side. How to uphold the rule of law in the face of hysteria over a powerful threat is a challenge that should concern everyone.”

Turkey's post-coup purge? We've been here before

The victims of past political purges in Turkey look on with mixed emotion as their one-time persecutors themselves fall under suspicion

Gentrification glitter fades into dust in Istanbul’s heart

Istiklal Avenue is one of the most photographed streets in Istanbul. Situated in the heart of the Beyoglu entertainment district, Istiklal (formerly known as Grand Rue de Pera and Cadde-i Kebir) is a wide avenue adjoining several historic streets from Karakoy Port, Galata Tower and Taksim Square. The red streetcar from the Ottoman days is probably the best-known image of the avenue, which has long become the symbol of Istanbul.

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New PostErstellt: 07.09.16, 21:32  Betreff: What is Turkish army really doing in Iraq?  drucken  weiterempfehlen

....Beyond its direct engagement against IS, the Turkish army is also training and arming Hashd al-Watani, a predominantly Arab Sunni militia created by Atheel al-Nujaifi, the former governor of Ninevah province and, along with his highly influential family, a close Turkish ally.

“We train them for close quarter combat, which will take place in Mosul in the near future,” the Turkish soldier said, adding that local fighters were all provided with AK-74s and ammunition.

In a country where the number of militiamen fighting for a religion, an ethnic group or a region seems to be growing by the day, Hashd al-Watani’s leaders do not shy away from voicing their ultimate prize: capturing the IS de-facto capital in Iraq. “Mosul is ours. If we get inside, all of it will be for us,” Brig. Gen. Mohamed Tahma Talib, who is commanding Hashd al-Watani, told al-Monitor.

To be able to reach the outskirts of the city, Hashd al-Watani is working in cooperation with the Kurdish peshmerga, the army of the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG).

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New PostErstellt: 13.09.16, 20:46  Betreff: Ankara hardening anti-PKK strategy  drucken  weiterempfehlen

Turkey's strategy against the Gulen movement has worked so well, Ankara looks to be extending it to eradicate the Kurdistan Workers Party as well.

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New PostErstellt: 19.09.16, 15:54  Betreff: Turkish province bans protests against new gold mine  drucken  weiterempfehlen

A Turkish province on Monday banned public demonstrations "as a precaution" while a court prepared to consider an application for a new gold mine which opponents say will damage the environment.

The Artvin governor’s office said it had banned rallies and protests in the Black Sea province for a month in the wake of the announcement.

“In order for the current peaceful situation to continue and prevent harm against public peace, all rallies, press releases, meetings, sit-in protests, distributing notices and similar activities were banned due to violent activities that can emerge before, during or after them,” the statement by the office read.

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New PostErstellt: 21.09.16, 15:53  Betreff: "Die Situation eskaliert, wie alles dort eskaliert"  drucken  weiterempfehlen

Thomas Seibert von medico international über Repressionen gegen Hilfsorganisationen

Die Absetzung der 28 demokratisch gewählten Bürgermeister durch die türkische Regierung hat offensichtlich auch Folgen für humanitäre Hilfsorganisationen. Dr. Thomas Seibert, Nahostreferent bei der Frankfurter Hilfs- und Menschenrechtsorganisatio
medico international, berichtet über die konkreten Auswirkungen im Telepolis- Interview.

Turkey jails 45 students over 2012 anti-Erdogan protest

A Turkish court jailed 45 students on Tuesday over a 2012 protest against President Recep Tayyip Erdogan at an Ankara university when he visited to celebrate a satellite launch, state media reported.

The students were convicted of violating laws on meetings and impeding public officials in their work after they demonstrated against Erdogan's visit to Middle East Technical University (METU).

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New PostErstellt: 23.09.16, 22:34  Betreff: Erdogans deutsches Spitzel-Netzwerk  drucken  weiterempfehlen

Die Geheimdienst-Zusammenarbeit zwischen Deutschland und der Türkei ist eng - zu eng, wie sich inzwischen herausstellt. Rund sechshundert Agenten des türkischen MIT sollen in Deutschland aktiv sein, darüber hinaus bis zu 6000 Informanten. Das wurde Ende August bekannt. Oppositionspolitiker forderten Auskunft, aber das Innenministerium mauerte.

Das ist besonders deshalb brisant, weil BND, Verfassungsschutz und Polizei seit Jahren mit den türkischen Behörden kooperieren, während nun Gegner der Regierungspartei AKP auch hierzulande bedrängt werden. Die AKP hatte offen dazu aufgerufen, Anhänger von Fethullah Gülen, den sie für den Putschversuch vom Juli verantwortlich macht, zu denunzieren. Vereinzelt war es zu Angriffen auf Gülen-Einrichtungen gekommen.

‘New Turkey’ finds founding myth in the failed coup
Turkey's more than 18 million students began school in mid-September this year as usual. Unlike normal times, however, they began their education year not with an introduction to mathematics or science, but rather by learning about the treachery the nation faced July 15 with the failed coup attempt.

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New PostErstellt: 04.10.16, 22:05  Betreff: Why is the Turkish government now targeting cartoons?  drucken  weiterempfehlen

Late Sept. 28, the Turkish prime minister’s office issued orders for the closure of 23 TV and radio channels on the grounds they backed separatist and subversive activities. The decision was based on a legislative decree issued immediately after the July 20 declaration of the state of emergency over the failed coup attempt five days earlier.

Biene Maja, die Schlümpfe und andere Gefahren für die Sicherheit der Türkei

Der Nationale Sicherheitsrat hat am vergangenen Mittwoch eine Verlängerung des Ausnahmezustandes um weitere drei Monate empfohlen. Dies geschehe zum wirksamen "Schutz unserer Demokratie, Rechtstaatlichkeit, Rechte und Freiheiten unserer Bürger", erklärte das Gremium, das aus Regierungsmitgliedern und hohen Militärs besteht. Die Regierung wird sich dem mit ziemlicher Sicherheit anschließen. Der Ausnahmezustand wurde nach dem gescheiterten Putschversuch vom 15. Juli zunächst für drei Monate bis zum 15. Oktober 2016 verhängt.

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New PostErstellt: 13.10.16, 17:43  Betreff: Türkei: Folter mit Tradition  drucken  weiterempfehlen

Der AKP-Abgeordnete Mehmet Metiner leitet den Parlamentarischen Untersuchungsausschuss für Gefängnisse in der Türkei. Rein formal wäre es seine Aufgabe, dafür zu sorgen, dass dort rechtsstaatliche Prinzipien eingehalten werden. Doch das scheint ihn kaum zu kümmern. Anfang Oktober stellte er klar, dass es mit ihm keine Untersuchung der Foltervorwürfe von Inhaftierten nach dem Putschversuch vom 15. Juli geben wird, wenn diese von Gülen-Anhängern kämen. Denn, so Metiner, diese seien Täter, nicht Opfer. Kritik seitens der Oppositionspartei CHP wischte er vom Tisch.

Power struggle erupts in Turkey’s security structure

One hard reality is that the ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP), despite its 14 years in power, has not developed a senior bureaucratic team that deals with security and intelligence affairs. Hence, a power struggle was inevitable at the senior echelons of the National Intelligence Service (MIT), the Gendarmerie Command, the Ministry of Defense and the Turkish Armed Forces (TSK), where two distinct schools of thought or cliques are competing to fill the vacancies.

One of the schools of thought is that of the Homeland Party, also known as the Patriotic Party, which received only 120,000 votes (0.25%) out of 50 million votes cast in the Nov. 1 elections under the leadership of Dogu Perincek. It is popularly called the Perincek Group.

This group — renowned for its staunchly secular, isolationist, ultranationalist, socialist, anti-US, anti-West, pro-Russian and Euroasianist characteristics — has no strong standing as a popular political party, but its influence in the upper echelons of the state’s security and intelligence services is steadily growing. High-level military police and intelligence personnel affiliated with this group were the Fethullah Gulen movement's most prominent targets for replacement between 2006 and 2014, when the Gulenists had the AKP's cooperation in ending military tutelage.

Why Turkey’s pro-government media likes Trump

Turkey is following the US presidential race with great interest. Sensing the outcome of the election might significantly influence ties between Turkey and the United States, many local columnists have been discussing which new US president will be better for the US-Turkey relationship. Trump’s scandalously explicit remarks about women and sexuality must also be disturbing for any conservative Turk. Hence a recent headline in a pro-government tabloid read, “The anti-Islam Trump also turned out to be a pervert.”
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Beiträge: 1665

New PostErstellt: 20.10.16, 23:37  Betreff: Turkish jets killed 4 civilians and 10 combatants  drucken  weiterempfehlen

Bab Council member Mihemed Abdulrezak spoke to Ronahi TV about the Turkish army's most recent aggression on Rojava land.

Abdulrezak stated that Turkish fighter jets conducted airstrikes on Um Hosh, Um Qura and Al-Hassia villages that had been liberated by revolutionary forces from ISIS as a result of an operation yesterday.

Abdulrezak said the airstrikes aimed to stop the revolutionary forces' advance against ISIS gangs.

The aggression targeting civilian settlements in villages lasted hours, leaving 4 civilians dead and dozens of others wounded.

What Turkish raid on Syrian Kurds means for Ankara-Washington ties

Turkish jets pounded US-backed Syrian Kurds during the early hours of Oct. 20 in an apparent attempt to prevent them from establishing a long-coveted corridor to link up territories under their control in northern Syria. The Turkish attacks follow sustained threats from President Recep Tayyip Erdogan to take further action against the People’s Protection Units (YPG), which are closely linked to the Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK).

Turkish ultranationalists issue call to arms to fight in Mosul

Supporters of Turkey's ruling party have issued calls to create and arm special "militias" to prepare for battle in Mosul and against Turkey's enemies within.

The call to arms first came from Emin Canpolat, who leads the Ottoman Hearths group - ardent supporters of Turkey's ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) and its founder, President Recep Tayyip Erdogan.

The group, which was established in 2009, is now believed to have almost two million members nationwide who are committed to the promotion of an Ottoman system of government and way of life. In the past, Ottoman Hearth members have attended AKP rallies wrapped in white burial shrouds, to symbolise their willingness to die for the party.

The death of critical journalism in Turkey

A prominent Turkish journalist who migrated to Europe a few months ago and is convinced she can no longer practice her profession in Turkey has noticed something intriguing in her son, a primary schooler. “He keeps drawing prisons,” the journalist told Al-Monitor. “I was worried about his future in Turkey, but it turns out he, too, was secretly worried about me.” The journalist, who requested anonymity, shared the drawings with Al-Monitor on condition they not be published. In all of them, big prisons reminiscent of a panopticon are depicted in striking detail, including tiny cells with bars, “control points” and other compounds marked as armories, offices and visitor’s rooms.

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New PostErstellt: 21.10.16, 18:26  Betreff: Die devote Haltung der Bundesregierung gegenüber Erdogan  drucken  weiterempfehlen

Wenn der CDU/CSU-Fraktionschef Volker Kauder sich vor die Bundeskanzlerin stellt, um das Abwiegeln und Wegducken zu rechtfertigen, spielen sowohl der Flüchtlingsdeal, gekoppelt an die sechs versprochenen EU Milliarden für Erdogan und die verheißene Visafreiheit, als auch das geopolitische Interesse an der Türkei innerhalb der NATO-Partnerschaft eine entscheidende Rolle. Doch auch die engen Wirtschaftsbeziehungen beider Länder sowie die Bedeutung der Türkei als Markt und für den Kapitalexport deutscher Unternehmen sind ein nicht zu unterschätzender Grund für die devote Haltung der Bundesregierung.

Der Artikel ich finde Gut , aber ich denke der Author hat vergisst dass die Deutsch-türkische Beziehungen lange sind und sind immer weiter gegangen egal welche regierende, deshalb ich denke dass die Deutsch-türkische Beziehungen sind für deutschland Reason of State ...

‘International forces are responsible for the Turkish state’s attacks’

The Revolutionary Forces, consisting of Jaysh Al Thuwar, Bab Military Council, Shehba Women’s Defense Front Forces General Command, Rural Aleppo Ashiret Forces General Command, Democratic Northern Brigade Command and Jabhat Akrad Command, have issued a written statement on the invading Turkish state’s jet fighter, mortar and Howitzer attacks on the Shehba region and Efrîn.

The statement condemns the invading Turkish state forces’ attacks on the locations of their forces and points at the anti-ISIS international coalition forces for the responsibility.

'Attacks of the Turkish state and affiliate gang groups repelled'

Jabhat al-Akrad issued a statement on the attacks of the Turkish army and affiliate gang groups, and said “Our forces repelled the attacks of ISIS and Euphrates Shield gangs that operate under the protection of Turkish warplanes and artillery. After their defeat, the Turkish army deployed tanks to northern Aleppo to protect groups such as Feyleq al-Sham, Ahrar al-Sham and Jabhat al-Shamiye.”

In its statement, Jabhat al-Akrad reiterated its promise to protect Syrian peoples and resist occupation.

US, Turkey to work closely to deal IS 'lasting defeat': US defence secretary

How Ankara plans to repeat Syria success in Iraq

What is Ankara’s strategic thinking about the battle for Mosul in Iraq, even as Turkey unleashes airstrikes on US-backed Kurds in Syria? One undeniable fact: Ankara feverishly wants to be in Mosul when the cards in Iraq are reshuffled.

Türkei greift in Syrien massiv Kurden an

Im irakischen Tikrit führt der "Islamische Staat" einen Entlastungsangriff, türkische Erdogan-Unterstützer rufen dazu auf, Milizen zu gründen und nach Mosul zu ziehen

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New PostErstellt: 04.11.16, 16:44  Betreff: Bereitet Erdogan den "Showdown" zum Bürgerkrieg vor?  drucken  weiterempfehlen

Auf die Festnahmen der beiden Vorsitzenden der HDP sowie weiterer Mitglieder der pro-kurdischen Partei folgte die Nachricht von einem Anschlag in Diyarbakrir mit mindestens acht Toten. Nach Angaben des türkischen Ministerpräsidenten Binali Yildirim sollen bei dem Autobombenanschlag in der Nähe des Polizei-Hauptquartiers der Provinz mehr als 100 verletzt worden sein. Die türkischen Behörden machen die PKK dafür verantwortlich.

Zu den inneren Turbulenzen kommen außenpolitische Verstimmungen und Kritik an der Regierungspolitik. Der deutsche Außenminister Steinmeier bestellte den türkischen Gesandten ins Auswärtige Amt. Die nächtlichen Festnahmen von Politikern und Abgeordneten der kurdischen Partei HDP seien aus Sicht des Außenministers "eine weitere drastische Verschärfung der Lage", heißt es in der Meldung des Amtes.

Turkey's post-coup crackdown reaches media giants

Mounting terror threats, massive purges, shrinking press freedom and government pressure on the business world are beginning to take their toll on Turkey, including its media bosses.

Is new imam answered prayer or impending doom for Hagia Sophia?

Onder Soy, the new imam of the Hunkar Kasri, part of the Hagia Sophia complex, recently led the first Friday prayers there in 80 years, sparking enormous joy and excitement among many Muslims. It also spawned concern among people who worry about potential loss of tourism revenue and frustration among those who fear this could be the first step toward completely converting the site into a mosque.

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New PostErstellt: 18.11.16, 11:30  Betreff: Die Zerschlagung der demokratischen Zivilgesellschaft  drucken  weiterempfehlen

Thomas Seibert, Menschenrechtsreferent bei der Frankfurter Hilfs- und Menschenrechtsorganisation medico international über die Verbote ihrer Partnerorganisationen

Das deutsche Aktionsprogramm für verfolgte Journalisten, Wissenschaftler und Kulturschaffende sollte nun auch auf die zivilgesellschaftlichen Organisationen ausgeweitet werden. Hunderte von Vereinen und NGOs wurden letzte Woche in der Türkei verboten. Darunter auch zwei Partnerorganisationen von medico international.

Mit diesen Verboten wird der letzte Rest von demokratischen Strukturen in der Türkei ausgelöscht. Die Leidtragenden sind Frauen, Kinder, religiöse Minderheiten, sowie tausende kurdische Familien, die durch die Zerstörung ihrer Städte ihr Hab und Gut verloren haben.

How Turkey is strangling the internet - and hurting media freedom

Ankara's clampdown on internet access after major incidents is expanding more and more, report finds

Türkei: Erdogan stellt Strafanzeige gegen alle CHP-Abgeordneten

Die Eliminierung der Opposition in der Türkei geht weiter. Dass nun nach der Verhaftung der HDP/DBP-Abgeordneten die kemalistische CHP an der Reihe ist, war absehbar

Israel's new man in Ankara could be in for bumpy ride

Israel’s newly named ambassador to Ankara likely heaved a sigh of relief as he perused the headlines in Turkey on Nov. 16. The virulently anti-Semitic Yeni Safak recorded Eitan Naeh’s appointment on its front page in determinedly neutral prose.

Turkey's domestic policy losing its foreign friends

Upon assuming office in May, Prime Minister Binali Yildirim promised that he would “increase the number of Turkey’s friends and reduce the number of its enemies.” Today, however, Ankara is losing friends rapidly, especially in Europe where there are calls for sanctions against Turkey. The situation is no better in the Middle East where Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi is talking about going to war with Turkey. The main deterioration in ties is nevertheless with Europe. President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s increasingly authoritarian manner, with his apparent desire to become the iron-fisted ruler of Turkey, is driving this downward spiral.

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New PostErstellt: 29.11.16, 16:26  Betreff: UN untersucht Foltervorwürfe  drucken  weiterempfehlen

Im Jahr 2004 hatte die Türkei unter dem Druck der EU nicht nur die Todesstrafe abgeschafft, sondern auch versprochen, die bis dahin gängige Praxis der Folter zu beenden. Mehr als zehn Jahre lang scheint man sich daran weitestgehend gehalten zu haben. Im Zuge der Verhaftungen zehntausender Menschen nach dem gescheiterten Putschversuch vom 15. Juli mehrten sich allerdings die Gerüchte wieder.

Nur wenige Tage nach der Putschnacht tauchten Bilder von Militärs in Polizeigewahrsam auf, die offensichtlich geschlagen worden waren. Der türkische Justizminister Bekir Bozdag hatte die Anschuldigungen mehrfach zurückgewiesen und gesagt, es handele sich dabei um eine Schmutzkampagne gegen die Türkei.

Turkey moves full throttle toward one-party state

The political mercury in Turkey is expected to hit record highs in April, when the ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) plans to put a crucial constitutional amendment on a referendum. Given the current political and social trends, the electorate is highly likely to approve the amendment and mark Turkey’s transition to an executive presidency regime — President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s biggest dream.

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New PostErstellt: 16.12.16, 21:00  Betreff: Erdogan ruft zur Mobilmachung auf  drucken  weiterempfehlen

Erdogan mobilisiert das ganze Volk gegen den Terrorismus: "Gemäß Artikel 104 unserer Verfassung verkünde ich als Chef des Staates der Republik Türkei eine nationale Mobilmachung gegen alle Terrororganisationen." Dies sagte er vor einer Versammlung von Ortsvorstehern in Ankara. In seiner Rede forderte er die Bevölkerung dazu auf, alle Terrorverdächtigen und deren Unterstützer den Behörden zu melden.

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New PostErstellt: 22.12.16, 17:39  Betreff: über der russische Botschafter ermördung  drucken  weiterempfehlen

Right after the shooting, Altintas had the stage all to himself and started his rant with a line from a well-known al-Qaeda nasheed, or poem. It can be translated as, "We are the ones who obey the call of jihad."

The young Turkish policeman who killed Russia's ambassador to Ankara this week had provided security for President Recep Tayyip Erdogan eight times since the 15 July failed coup bid, a report said on Wednesday.

.......Baysal also referenced a tweet by a Turkish citizen pointing out how Altintas was merely eight years old when Erdogan and the AKP had come into office in 2002. The man's point, that the ruling party and its leader are responsible for creating such religious extremists through their project of raising “devout and revengeful youth,” is a common view. As Al-Monitor writer Zulfikar Dogan pointed out a while ago, the term “devout and revengeful youth” comes from Erdogan’s past statements calling for the creation of a religious generation in Turkey and specifically advising his young supporters “not to lose their anger” in the face of injustices that they suffered at the hands of Turkey’s past secular regimes.

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New PostErstellt: 28.12.16, 15:28  Betreff: In Deutschlands Moscheen wird für Erdogan spioniert  drucken  weiterempfehlen

Ditib-Imamen wird vorgeworfen, dass sie in ihren Moscheen Listen von angeblichen Gülen-Unterstützern angefertigt und an die Generalkonsulate weitergegeben haben

Die Moschee nebenan

Die deutsche Verfassung schützt die Glaubens- und Religionsfreiheit. Aber gilt dieser Schutz auch dann noch, wenn das, was in den Moscheen gepredigt wird, nicht den Grundsätzen unserer Verfassung entspricht?

In einige Moscheen wurden Prediger eingeladen, die als Islamisten gelten. Junge Gläubige, vorwiegend Männer, die sich später dem Dschihad anschlossen, gingen in deutschen Moscheen ein und aus, zum Beispiel in der Al nur Moschee in Berlin.
Wie schwierig es ist, gegen extremistische Moscheen in Deutschland vorzugehen, erklärt der Präsident des Bundesverfassungsschutzes Hans-Georg Maaßen.

Auch die Moscheen des türkischen DITIB-Verbundes, die lange Zeit als Bollwerk gegen den Islamismus und als gemäßigt galten, sind in jüngster Zeit in die Kritik geraten. Man wirft ihnen vor, der lange Arm des türkischen Präsidenten Erdogan zu sein. Schon seit Jahrzehnten werden die Imame des türkisch-muslimischen Dachverbandes DITIB von der türkischen Religionsbehörde Diyanet nach Deutschland entsandt. Doch erst seit kurzem wird diese Praxis von der Politik in Frage gestellt.

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Türkischer Geheimdienst - Paris: Ein Agent stirbt im Gefängnis

Der mutmaßliche Mörder der kurdis

chen Aktivistinnen Sakine Cansız, Fidan Doğan und Leyla Şaylemez und Agent des türkischen Geheimdienstes (MIT), Ömer Güney, wurde am 16.12.2016 tot in seiner Zelle aufgefunden. Sein plötzlicher Tod wirft Fragen auf. In Hamburg wird zeitgleich ein MIT-Agent verhaftet, der angeblich im Auftrag des türkischen Geheimdienstes zwei führende kurdische Politiker ermorden sollte.

Culprit of the murder in Paris of Sakine, Fidan and Leyla dies

How Turkey's journalists are preserving critical reporting

On the evening of Dec. 6, journalist Nergis Demirkaya sat in the Ankara office of the Human Rights Association (IHD) with a microphone in her hand, asking questions to her guests in a discussion on the latest developments in Turkey. It was a rendition of the program Demirkaya used to host on IMC TV, one of the many channels forcibly shut down since the July 15 coup attempt. This time, however, she had to do without a production-control room and there were no cameras shooting the program. Still, thousands of people watched the discussion, broadcast live on social media by no one else but the 15-strong audience in the hall, whose only equipment was their mobile phone.

433 filmmakers investigated for demanding peace

An investigation has been launched against 433 filmmakers that supported the "We Won’t Be a Party To This Crime" declaration of academics.

The following statement was made in the document signed by İstanbul Provincial Police Chief Haydar Özdemir and sent to the Union of Artists: “During the ‘terrorist propaganda’ investigation numbered 2016/5734 regarding the 11328 suspects that made statements supposedly supporting the peace negotiations, an investigation on ‘praising crime and criminals’ has been launched against 433 artists that made a statement in order to support the aforementioned criminal statement.”

A group of women affiliated to the Halkevleri (People's Houses) wanted to protest the ISIS burning two Turkish soldiers to death at Galatasaray Square in Istanbul province Saturday afternoon.

“Life against death, peace against war” read the banner of the women whose demonstration was obstructed by police by use of force.

All the 8 women were all detained and to Taksim Police Center.

How does Erdogan win with a losing hand?

On Dec. 2, the Mavi Marmara case brought against Israel for its assault on a Turkish ferryboat carrying humanitarian relief to the Gaza Strip met in court for the 21st time. The prosecutor asked for the dismissal of the case based on the agreement signed between Israel and Turkey in June. The victims’ families and activists at the court were furious, so the judge adjourned the session until Dec. 9.

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New PostErstellt: 02.01.17, 01:10  Betreff: No Kurdish force is involved in the Istanbul attack  drucken  weiterempfehlen

Speaking to Dengê Kurdistan Radio, PKK Executive Council Member Murat Karayılan spoke about last night's attack on a popular nightclub in Istanbul, which left 39 people dead, mostly foreigners.

Karayılan underlined that no Kurdish force is involved in this attack, saying: "I am of the opinion that TAK would not carry out such an attack either. Ours is a rightful cause and all Kurdish and Kurdistani forces want to have the people of Turkey by their side. Kurdish freedom struggle is at the same time a fight for Turkey's democratization. To this end, we and no other Kurdish force would never target innocent civilians as we are fighting against Turkish colonialism."

Murat Karayılan made the following evaluations regarding the Istanbul attack:

"It seems that deep powers are involved in this attack. Why? Because Turkey is in a tough spot today, left alone and isolated from the world. Turkey has supported the ISIS and Al-Nusra in order to suppress the Kurdish freedom struggle and crush the Kurdish people. It later got engaged in the Syrian issue, developed different relations and grew away from NATO. It has now thrown itself into the arms of Russia but it knows that this will not yield any result either. Turkey resorts to such an organised incident in order to overcome this tough process and to say 'Look, ISIS is attacking us'. These people are cruel and they shed the blood of the people for the sake of their own ruling and interests.

Turkey closes coup commission as key questions linger

Did the Turkish government bargain with the putschists on the night of July 15? Who was involved in the political aspects of the coup? A parliamentary commission was supposed to answer these and other critical questions still hanging over the attempted coup, which has had dramatic consequences for the country. Earlier in December, however, the investigative commission abruptly wrapped up its work at the behest of President Recep Tayyip Erdogan.

Animosity toward Iran reaches fever pitch in Turkey after Aleppo

The “fall” of Aleppo has left the staunchly Sunni Islamist support base of President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and the ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) in Turkey with a deep sense of defeatism and resentment, and it has even prompted calls for revenge to be wreaked on Turkish Alevis.

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New PostErstellt: 05.01.17, 22:38  Betreff: Why are Yazidis being uprooted again?  drucken  weiterempfehlen

The Yazidi refugees who fled massacres at the hands of the Islamic State in Iraq are now being forced to vacate their camp in Turkey — in the dead of winter, on short notice.

Turkish designer attacked at Istanbul airport for critical video

Mayor of Ankara Melih Gokcek said the attack on Barbaros Sansal was revenge for provoking the 'Turkish nation'

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New PostErstellt: 11.01.17, 20:28  Betreff: Streit um das Präsidialsystem  drucken  weiterempfehlen

Es ist kalt in der Türkei. Nicht nur die Stimmung ist am Nullpunkt, auch die Außentemperatur. Eine dichte Schneedecke hat Istanbul und Ankara unter sich begraben. Der Verkehr ist noch chaotischer als üblich, am Istanbuler Atatürk-Flughafen geht nichts mehr. Hunderte Flüge wurden gecancelt, die Maschinen stecken im Schneematsch. Aufgrund des Wetters wird zeitweise der Fährverkehr auf dem Bosporus zwischen Europa und Asien eingestellt. Straßenhunde und Katzen suchen Zuflucht in Wohnungen und Geschäften.

Marschrichtung Diktatur

Polizeisperren, Tränengas und Wasserwerfer: Der martialische Aufmarsch der Staatsmacht vor dem türkischen Parlament lieferte am Montag einen Vorgeschmack auf jenen neuen Staat, über dessen Aufbau im Plenarsaal debattiert wurde. Während drinnen die Abgeordneten debattierten, wurden laut Agenturangaben mehrere Demonstranten, die gegen die vom Regierungslager geplante Verfassungsänderung protestierten, von Beamten verletzt.

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New PostErstellt: 16.01.17, 12:12  Betreff: Erdogans maßgeschneidertes Präsidialsystem  drucken  weiterempfehlen

Kurz vor Jahresende wurden die ersten zwei von 29 Verfassungsartikeln zur Einführung eines Präsidialsystems vom Parlament mit den Stimmen von AKP und ultrarechter MHP angenommen. Dies wurde medial durch weitere Verhaftungen, Entlassungen und Demütigungen der Regimekritiker begleitet (vgl. Türkei: Streit um das Präsidialsystem): Die Regierung setzt auf ein Klima der Angst. Einerseits werden Kritiker mundtot gemacht und andererseits wird der islamistische oder nationalistische Mob zu Lynchjustiz ermutigt.

Turkish army officers and diplomats seek refuge in Norway

Turkey says if US wants Kurds at peace talks, might as well invite Islamic State

If the United States wants to invite Kurds to the forthcoming Syrian peace talks, it might as well invite the Islamic State (IS) group, said the foreign minister of Turkey, whose country views Kurdish fighters in Syria as extremists.

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New PostErstellt: 20.01.17, 22:56  Betreff: Türkei: Unterwegs zur Ein-Mann-Diktatur  drucken  weiterempfehlen

Es war eine stürmische Woche in Ankara. Zwischenzeitlich flogen im Parlament die Fäuste. Aber am Ende half es alles nichts. Der energische Widerstand der Oppositionsparteien CHP und HDP, die harsche Kritik der MHP-Parteibasis an der Unterstützung für die AKP - alle Punkte der Verfassungsreform, die das Land zur Ein-Mann-Diktatur umbauen soll, wurden angenommen. Eine weitere Abstimmungsrunde soll am Mittwoch stattfinden, und voraussichtlich im April soll die Abschaffung der Demokratie per Referendum bestätigt werden. Ob das letztlich gelingen wird, ist völlig offen, denn zur Zeit ist eine Mehrheit der türkischen Bevölkerung Umfragen zufolge gegen das Präsidialsystem, in dem Präsident Recep Tayyip Erdogan dauerhaft per Dekret regieren könnte, ohne dass das Parlament eine Möglichkeit hätte, ihn zu bremsen.

Reportage: Türkei - Made by Erdogan

3 journalists killed, 299 detained, 80 arrested in 3 months

Contemporary Journalists' Association (ÇGD) issued its quarterly Media Report for the months of October, November and December. During these three months, 3 journalists were killed, 80 journalists were arrested, 299 journalists were detained, 32 journalists were assaulted, 7 foreign journalists were expatriated, 2622 journalists were left unemployed, 5 media offices were attacked, 157 media and 9 publication firms were shut down, 3 media centers were raided, broadcast ban was placed on 24 events, access to 20 websites were banned, and 624 press cards and 32 parliamentary cards were cancelled.

Turkish prosecutor demands lengthy sentences for pro-Kurdish leaders

Two jailed pro-Kurdish political leaders are facing jail sentences of 142 and 83 years respectively for alleged links to the Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK), according to the indictment presented by the Turkish state prosecutor.

He presented the indictment of HDP leaders Selahattin Demirtas and Figen Yuksekdag to Turkey’s High Court on Tuesday, according to the state-run Anadolu Agency.

Demirtas has been accused of being a "terrorist organisation manager,” "making propaganda for a terrorist organisation,” “opposing the Law on Meetings and Demonstrations" and "publicly inciting hatred and hostility”.

Suspect in Hrant Dink Murder Case: Erdoğan appointed all of us

The 31st hearing of the case on the murder of Agos Newspaper Chief Editor Hrant Dink began at Istanbul 14th Heavy Penal Court in Çağlayan today. The then Intelligence Unit C Branch Director Ali Fuat Yılmazer, former Intelligence Unit Director Ramazan Akyürek and many other suspects appeared at court.

In his defense, former Intelligence Unit C Branch Director Ali Fuat Yılmazer said “All of them were appointed by then Prime Minister Erdoğan and officials. Why isn’t there a single political official here? Former Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan is the person that authorized the Ergenekon and Balyoz investigations.”

Sorge um die Ausrichtung des türkischen Militärs

Vor einem Jahr, am 12.Januar 2016 sprengte sich in Istanbul nahe Sultanahmet ein Selbstmordattentäter in die Luft und riss elf Touristen, darunter acht Deutsche mit in den Tod (siehe Terroranschlag gegen Touristen in Istanbul). Sofort nach dem Attentat verhängte die türkische Regierung eine Nachrichtensperre und kurz danach präsentierte der türkische Präsident den Attentäter: ein IS-Mitglied syrischer Herkunft.

British Army slammed for training with Turkish, Saudi troops

The British Army is taking part in a joint exercise with military forces from Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Qatar, to the fury of campaigners who say David Cameron's government is prioritising military relationships over human rights.

About 120 soldiers from the Royal Welsh infantry regiment are joining US and European forces taking part in Exercise Efes 2016 in western Turkey.

US pastor in Turkish jail while Gulen dominates talks

Turkey’s Prime Minister Binali Yildirim called on US President-elect Donald Trump today to extradite Fethullah Gulen, the Pennsylania-based Sunni cleric who was named as the mastermind of the July 15 coup attempt. Yildirim told a news conference that Gulen's delivery to the Turkish authorities would help improve stormy relations between the two NATO allies.

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New PostErstellt: 25.01.17, 22:25  Betreff: Erdogan, Gülen und der Putsch  drucken  weiterempfehlen

Die EU sieht Gülen nicht als Drahtzieher des Putschversuches. Vor dem Referendum zur Verfassungsreform wird in der Türkei die Jagd auf Gülen-Anhänger intensiviert

HDP honorary president: 'Impossible' that constitution referendum will be fair

Most people who faced the kinds of political struggles that Ertugrul Kurkcu has dealt with over his lifetime might consider taking up a different profession. The veteran leftist spent 14 years in jail - originally a death sentence commuted following a 1974 amnesty - after taking up arms following Turkey's second military coup in 1971, taking hostage three British NATO technicians and calling for the release of a number of imprisoned leftists on death row.

Following the abduction, Turkish special forces found Kurkcu and nine other young people in the village of Kizildere in Tokat province. During the ensuing bombardment, all the inhabitants were killed, apart from Kurkcu.

Turkey offers citizenship to foreigners with deep pockets

On Jan. 12, Turkey’s official gazette published a government decree on granting citizenship to foreigners who bring in large sums of foreign currency, a plan that Ankara had long been considering.

Britain sells Turkey £330m-worth of arms since 2015

Britain has sold almost £50m-worth of arms to Turkey since the crackdown on opposition groups by the government of Recep Tayyip Erdoğan after last year’s failed coup attempt.

Saddam Hussein's 'grandson': Only Turkey can enter Mosul

Mesut Torun claims to be the grandson of the former Iraqi ruler Saddam Hussein. Born and raised in Turkey, the 33-year-old still flies the flag for the now-banned Baath Party and its struggle for what he calls the "liberation" of Iraq from Iran and the US.

Iraqi government forces fighting to capture Mosul from Islamic State militants are committing "genocide" against the population, and are facing resistance from Baathists and other Sunni forces in the city, according to Torun.

He also claimed that Baath militants were fighting the Islamic State (IS) group, as well as Iran, the US and Shia militias operating in Iraq, and that only Turkey should enter the city to protect its Sunni population.

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New PostErstellt: 03.02.17, 20:10  Betreff: Merkel in der Türkei: Die gezähmte Kanzlerin  drucken  weiterempfehlen

Zum ersten Mal seit dem Putschversuch im Juli 2016 besuchte gestern Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel die Türkei. Schon im Vorfeld des unglücklich terminierten Treffens mit Staatspräsident Recep Tayyip Erdogan hagelte es Kritik in der deutschen Presse. Und die türkische Opposition pochte auf klare Worte.

Erdogan machte schon einen Tag vorher klar, welchen Stellenwert die bundesdeutsche Kritik bei ihm hat: Am Mittwoch wurden türkeiweit insgesamt 1848 Personen festgenommen. Ein neuer Höhepunkt der seit Monaten andauernden Massenverhaftungen von Regimegegnern.

Folter? Kein Hinderungsgrund!

Vor der Reise von Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel in die Türkei warnen Berliner Regierungsberater vor einer etwaigen Abkehr des Landes vom Westen und dringen auf Zugeständnisse gegenüber Ankara. Staatspräsident Recep Tayyip Erdoğan führe die Türkei immer enger an die Seite Russlands, heißt es in einer aktuellen Analyse der Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik (SWP); türkische Think-Tanks stellten bereits die Mitgliedschaft in der NATO zur Debatte, einige sprächen sich sogar offen gegen sie aus. Ankaras Trennung von dem Kriegsbündnis und dem Westen müsse unbedingt verhindert werden, schreibt die SWP und rät zu Empfänglichkeit für Wünsche der türkischen Regierung. Tatsächlich hat das Berliner Establishment kaum je einen Zweifel daran gelassen, dass es die Kooperation mit der Türkei nicht nur wegen ökonomischer, sondern vor allem auch wegen strategischer Vorteile bei der Einflusssicherung im Mittleren Osten sowie in Zentralasien aufrechterhalten will; das Land könne als "Landbrücke" in die dortigen Rohstoffregionen dienen, heißt. Bereits im Herbst hieß es in einem Kommentar einer führenden deutschen Tageszeitung, die Zusammenarbeit mit der Türkei müsse selbst dann gewahrt werden, wenn in dem Land "dauerhaft und systematisch Oppositionelle gefoltert" würden.

4 reasons Turkey is destined for an imperial presidency

Turkey's president has his political propaganda machine all oiled up and ready to roll to victory in April, when voters will very likely grant him exceptional powers.

Senior Turkish Army officers seek asylum in Germany after failed coup

Turkish soldiers working at German NATO installations seek asylum due to fear of political persecution

Why Islamists are no longer Erdogan’s favorites

There is a new theme these days in Turkey's hard-core pro-Erdogan media: The unreliability of opinion leaders or activists who have led Turkey’s Islamist movement for decades, and who have also been strong supporters of the ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) and President Recep Tayyip Erdogan. Lately, some prominent Islamists have raised criticism about “corruption by power” in the ruling circles. The Islamists also have criticized the pro-Erdogan propaganda machine, which intimidates, threatens and libels any critic of the president. Although all these Islamist critics used as friendly and respectful a tone as possible, they could not escape being labeled as disloyal or treacherous.

Gegen Erdogan und Armut

Um in der Mainmetropole eine Art Sozialforum nach dem Vorbild des »Demokratischen Kongresses der Völker« (HDK) in der Türkei zu gründen, waren am Sonntag rund 130 türkische und kurdische Migrantinnen und Migranten ins Frankfurter DGB-Haus gekommen. In der Türkei war erstmals 2009 ein solches Bündnis entstanden. Die Politiker der daraus hervorgegangenen linken Oppositionspartei HDP werden aktuell in der Türkei entrechtet, diskriminiert und verhaftet. »Wir wollen in Deutschland alle systemkritischen und fortschrittlichen Kräfte zusammenführen, um darauf hinzuwirken, den Ausnahmezustand und die Diktatur Recep Tayyip Erdogans in der Türkei zu beenden«, erklärte Mesud Duman, Pressesprecher des HDK Frankfurt. In Berlin, Hamburg, Stuttgart, Nürnberg und Köln habe sich der Kongress konstituiert, in weiteren Städten sei es geplant. Europaweit werde er am 4. Februar ins Leben gerufen.

This is the reason why we don't dwell on Turkish deaths in the West

Turkey is alone. First, we’ll take a look at the racist reasons for this. If 39 men and women had been slaughtered in Paris or Brussels or Berlin on New Year’s Eve, the headlines would ripple on for three or four days. Two or three days if the victims had been western European. But of course, this being Turkey, which is a Muslim country – whose people are not always as white as those from “Christendom” – the headlines drifted off far more quickly. Not our lot, we Westerners said.

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New PostErstellt: 12.02.17, 10:52  Betreff: 9000 HDP members detained, 2500 jailed in one and a half years  drucken  weiterempfehlen

HDP Group Deputy Chair Ahmet Yıldırım stated that 9000 HDP members have been detained in the past one and a half years, and that attacks on the party have intensified during the referendum process on the basis of the AKP/MHP alliance.

'Environmental massacre': Turkey accused of using coup powers to crush mine protest

The Cerattepe hill overlooking the city of Artvin in Turkey's northeast is one of the country's most idyllic areas of natural beauty. The area is one of the most biodiverse in Turkey, home to more than 600 plant species, 26 of which are distinct to the area, and hundreds of animal types including roe deer, wild boar and grey wolves.

Mining companies have long coveted Cerattepe, which is home to huge reserves of copper, gold, silver and mercury. For more than two decades, locals in Artvin have campaigned to prevent the destruction of Cerattepe and Artvin's ecosystem - often with great success - against a number of Turkish administrations.

Turkish police arrest 12 in protests over purge of professors

Turkish police detained at least 12 people and fired tear gas to disperse hundreds more protesting outside Ankara University against the dismissal of dozens of professors, police sources and Reuters witnesses said.

Up to 1,000 people including academics had tried to gather at the campus on Friday, some inside and others on surrounding streets, but police blocked the entrance, firing tear gas and rubber bullets.

Türkei: Mit Gewalt gegen die Nein-Sager

Der Wahlkampf um das Verfassungsreferendum in der Türkei hat begonnen. Die AKP und die ihr nahestehenden Medien trommeln kräftig für ein "Ja", während aktuelle Umfragen weiter darauf hindeuten, dass eine deutliche Mehrheit der türkischen Bevölkerung gegen die Einführung des Präsidialsystems ist.

Turkey steps up action against Salafi networks

Turkish security forces in 2016 detained 2,936 people on charges of being violent Salafi jihadis. So far this year, the pace of security operations against Salafi networks is much faster.

Türkische "alternative Fakten"

Der Bürgermeister von Ankara wittert eine Verschwörung finsterer Mächte, die Erdbeben in der Türkei verursachen

Is Erdogan’s Syria policy slipping through his fingers?

Mustafa Akyol writes that despite protests throughout the United States and worldwide over the Trump administration’s executive order restricting access to the United States from seven predominantly Muslim countries, “the same solidarity did not come from some of the Middle Eastern governments that often claim to be the defenders of the faith,” including Saudi Arabia, Egypt, the United Arab Emirates and Turkey, which, Akyol added, “not only has political expectations from Trump but also has a political elite that has a curious adoration for the new American president.”

Turkey moves billions in state assets to wealth fund for megaprojects

One expert said he estimated the value of the transferred assets to be $33 billion

How political risks wreck Turkey’s economic prospects

Invest in Turkey — a promotional website by the Turkish government — lists 10 main reasons why foreign investors should put their money in the country. Highlighting geopolitical advantages, the site describes Turkey as “a natural bridge between both East-West and North-South axes, thus creating an efficient and cost-effective outlet to major markets.” The country, it says, has an “easy access to 1.6 billion customers in Europe, Eurasia, the Middle East and North Africa” and “multiple markets worth $24 trillion” in gross domestic product.

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New PostErstellt: 14.02.17, 21:56  Betreff: HDP: More than 318 members of our party detained today  drucken  weiterempfehlen

Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) Central Executive Board (MYK) released a statement regarding the increasing operations of political genocide as part of which hundreds were taken into custody across Turkey today.

The statement announced that more than 318 people including administrators, provincial-district co-chairs and members of the HDP have been detained in Istanbul, İzmir, Van, Adana, Adıyaman, Kocaeli, Antep, Siirt, Bingöl, Malatya, Bursa and Ağrı provinces and their districts today.

The statement by the HDP said the following:

"The operations against our party, ongoing since July 2015, continue increasingly without a pause since the coup attempt of July 15, 2016. As many as 859 administrators, provincial-district co-chairs and members of our party were detained and 112 of them were arrested since the first day of 2017. As result of continued political genocide operations against our party and its constituents, at least 318 people have been unlawfully arrested today. A total of 9796 people have been taken into custody in operations against our party and its constituents since 22.07.2015, and 2906 of them were jailed, including Co-chairs, deputies, provincial-district co-chairs, administrators and members of our party. According to figures compiled by our IT department, 5471 people from our party were detained and 1482 were imprisoned since July 2016. The main goal of these operations, escalated after the finalization of the referendum date, is to make a referendum without the HDP.

Das freie Wort geht ins Exil

Der Wahlkampf zum türkischen Verfassungsreferendum wird begleitet von Massenverhaftungen und dem Kampf gegen Universitäten und Medien

.......Can Dündar, dem in der Türkei mehrere Jahre Haft drohen, hat gemeinsam mit Hayko Bagdat das zweisprachige Onlinemagazin Özgürüz ("Wir sind frei") gegründet, das unmittelbar nach dem Launch in der Türkei gesperrt wurde. Dündar und Bagdat wollen auf diesem Wege ein Gegengewicht auch zu den staatlichen türkischen Medien in Deutschland bilden und eine unabhängige, oppositionelle Stimme hörbar machen.

Turkey walks fine line in dealing with 'frenemy' jihadis

Turkish police detained four terrorist suspects linked to the Islamic State (IS), as well as a cache of explosives and suicide belts, as CIA Director Mike Pompeo arrived in Turkey for official talks Feb. 9.

The arrests are in line with a massive crackdown on Salafi and terrorist networks in Turkey this year. On Feb. 5-6, 820 alleged IS sympathizers and operatives were arrested in 29 cities across Turkey. In all of 2016, Turkish police detained and charged 2,936 people on charges of being Salafi or jihadi terrorists.

Metin Gurcan explains that the “main reason” for the crackdown “is the political climate in Turkey, which is preparing for a constitutional amendment referendum in April that would greatly expand the president's power. The Justice and Development Party (AKP) government is very much aware of the shock effect of the Istanbul nightclub attack in the first hours of the new year. That attack heightened Turkish people's fear of IS and what it can do. The government was harshly criticized for the country’s intelligence and security flaws. IS-initiated, extreme Salafi violence on the eve of the referendum would further frighten the public and expose the government's weaknesses, probably boosting the 'no' votes.”

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New PostErstellt: 06.03.17, 14:19  Betreff: Turkish court upholds free speech …  drucken  weiterempfehlen

The botched coup attempt that rattled Turkey on July 15, 2016, marked a double setback for the country’s democracy. As the academic Vahap Coskun succinctly described it, the failed putsch “was an insurrection against the democratic order by a group that had infiltrated the state. Those in the seat of power realized that the most critical organs of the state had been functioning outside their control and that their hold of power had been to a large extent only an appearance.” Turkish democracy thus braced for a second “coup” on July 16 as the government embarked on a ferocious crackdown with the stated aim of dismantling the putschist network and in the process pushing the limits of the law with authoritarian and arbitrary measures.

Showdown Erdogan gegen Merkel nützt beiden Regierungen

Erdogan droht Deutschland mit Aufstand

.....Er drohte der deutschen Regierung damit, letztlich auch gewaltsam oder unter Missachtung der Souveränität ins Land einzudringen, wenn ihm der Sinn danach steht, und sogar noch schlimmer, er drohte damit, einen Aufstand zu inszenieren: "Wenn ich will, komme ich morgen. Ich komme und wenn ihr mich nicht hereinlasst oder mich nicht sprechen lasst, dann werde ich einen Aufstand machen."

Germany slams Turkey over 'absurb' Nazi jibe and urges calm

Erdogans Deutschland-Wahlkampf abgesagt?

Es ist Wahlkampf. Türkischer Wahlkampf - in Deutschland. Fast eineinhalb Millionen Türken hierzulande sind beim Verfassungsreferendum im April stimmberechtigt. Da die Umfragen innerhalb der Türkei kein gutes Ergebnis für die Regierungspartei AKP und Staatschef Recep Tayyip Erdogan erwarten lassen, tobt nun der Kampf um Stimmen aus dem Ausland.

In run-up to referendum, Turks can say anything but 'no'

Saying no can have a high price tag for ordinary Turks as pressure builds in the days leading up to an April 16 referendum on constitutional amendments designed to widely expand the president's powers.

MMC Spokesperson: We will protect our people and land against attacks

Derwish pointed out that with its attacks on Manbij, the Turkish state aimed to expand its invasion in Northern Syria and to increase the rate of nationalist votes it expects to receive in the referendum to be held in April.

Why the battle for Manbij will make or break Trump's relations with Turkey

"After Al-Bab is over, our next target will be Manbij and Raqqa," he said. Recently, Turkish armed forces and its allied Free Syrian Army have almost seized full control of the strategic town of Al-Bab in northern Syria.

Turkey walks fine line in dealing with 'frenemy' jihadis

Turkish police detained four terrorist suspects linked to the Islamic State (IS), as well as a cache of explosives and suicide belts, as CIA Director Mike Pompeo arrived in Turkey for official talks Feb. 9.

The arrests are in line with a massive crackdown on Salafi and terrorist networks in Turkey this year. On Feb. 5-6, 820 alleged IS sympathizers and operatives were arrested in 29 cities across Turkey. In all of 2016, Turkish police detained and charged 2,936 people on charges of being Salafi or jihadi terrorists.

Metin Gurcan explains that the “main reason” for the crackdown “is the political climate in Turkey, which is preparing for a constitutional amendment referendum in April that would greatly expand the president's power. The Justice and Development Party (AKP) government is very much aware of the shock effect of the Istanbul nightclub attack in the first hours of the new year. That attack heightened Turkish people's fear of IS and what it can do. The government was harshly criticized for the country’s intelligence and security flaws. IS-initiated, extreme Salafi violence on the eve of the referendum would further frighten the public and expose the government's weaknesses, probably boosting the 'no' votes.”

so , ich bin die Meinung das Erdogan Macht hat ihrer Zeit gezählt.... Rusland and der USA finden sich Erdogan unvertraulich , deutschland nachdenke ihren Schriten wegen die fragen worüber türkischen inmigranten und deutschen-türken angehörige werden getan und die die deutsche Investitionen in der Türkei (sind mehr als 2500 deutschen die in der türkei invertitionen haben) . geld ist geld.... wenn sich eine lösung auf diesen fragen finde ..... wie Erdogan gestürtz wird , ist für die mächtiger keine probleme sei , sie haben Oft das gemacht.... sie brauchen nur ein vertreter , wenn sie eine finden......

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New PostErstellt: 11.03.17, 13:47  Betreff: Erdogan’s domestic agenda leaves Turkey facing new foreign crises  drucken  weiterempfehlen

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s antipathy for the West has boiled over again. He is back to hurling furious insults at various European countries — mainly Germany, the principal target of his current fury.

Flynn lobbied for Turkish government, documents reveal

Former US national security adviser was paid $530,000 for work that 'benefited the Republic of Turkey'

Questions surround Turkish businessman at center of Flynn controversy

Michael Flynn, President Donald Trump’s short-lived former national security adviser whose contacts with Russia cost him his job, is embroiled in a fresh controversy after telling the Justice Department that his consulting firm, Flynn Intel Group, was hired by a Turkish businessman to do work that “could be construed to have principally benefitted the Republic of Turkey.”

Turkey shuts down Mercy Corps' Syria aid program

Turkey continues to maintain its official silence over the decision made public March 7 to order Oregon-based Mercy Corps, one of the biggest humanitarian relief organizations delivering aid to Syria, to shutter its Turkish operations.

What is happening in the Turkish military?

No one can question the centrality of civilian-military relations in Turkey’s political life. Early in the last century, a military republic assumed the legacy of a military empire. In the 93 years since, Turkey has experienced four military coups and three abortive attempts. For a third of that time, Turkey was under martial law, and until 2000, practically lived under military tutelage

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New PostErstellt: 15.03.17, 14:07  Betreff: Über die "Streit" zwischen Türkei und Niederlande....  drucken  weiterempfehlen

Turkey reassures investors, says Dutch business not at risk

Dutch direct investment in Turkey amounts to $22 billion, making the Netherlands the biggest source of foreign investment

Dutch investment in Turkey is not at risk from the diplomatic row between the two countries, as Ankara's ire is focused on the Dutch government, not its people or businesses, Turkey's minister for EU affairs told Reuters.

Die Realität ist anders als die Liberalen deken....

Der Betrug von den Referendum hat in Kurdistan schon angefangen .....

Possible election fraud: Ballot boxes in Kurdish towns relocated

Practices casting doubts on election security have began with less than 40 days left before the upcoming referendum. Many ballot boxes in Kurdish towns have been moved to 'more central' locations before the April 16 referendum, just like they had been relocated in the last 2 elections. The decisions are seen as an important obstacle for the voters, and were taken after the request of gendarme commands and police headquarters in the Kurdish region.

The limits to Ankara’s reliance on Moscow

Turkey’s deepening crisis with Europe has re-energized its desire to expand ties with Russia. Ankara clearly wants to show that it has powerful friends that can reduce its dependence on the United States and Europe. This also works to Moscow’s advantage, given its problems with the West and barely concealed desire to undermine NATO.

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