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  Magick School Lenk
Online school of witchcraft, basics of magick, numerology
This is a place where witches and pagans can find exchange of knowledge and news. Also, a virtual school is attached, in which magickal basics, numerology, runes, basics for ritual work and herbalogy, the festivals, card-reading, aromatherapy, the use of the magickal mirror and many more are taught. For further details, please see the thread „Info/News“. More classes and seminars are in preparateion. Furthermore, interesting topics such as: holistic medicine, astrology, witches, gemstones, astral projection, shamanic quest, lucid dreams, dream interpretation, the elements, myths, supernatural experiences, entities (e.g. deities, fairies, nature-spirits, demons) reiki, incense and many more are to be found.
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Steffen Lenk
08529 Plauen
- Germany -

(My address details are published here for legal reasons. A visit without an appointment is not possible.)

Festnetz: +49 (0)3741 / 42 18 24
Cellphone (D1): +49 (0)175 / 20 32 874
Cellphone (international calls): +49 (0)1578 / 48 19 789

[email protected]

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Steffen Lenk
08529 Plauen
- Germany -

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Festnetz: +49 (0)3741 / 42 18 24
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[email protected]

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