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palestina libera

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New PostErstellt: 29.08.16, 16:39     Betreff: Turkish military officer among commanders of Syrian opposition

Turkey is appointing Turkish military officers as commanders for groups they call “Syrian opposition”. A document has surfaced that shows an officer in the Turkish army has been appointed as commander to a group acting as armed Syrian opposition.

....The balance of forces in Jarablus may further complicate the next US steps in northern Syria, especially given the role of US special forces in the region. Gurcan reports that “the heavy presence of armored and engineering forces along the border could be a sign of Ankara’s intention to set up a permanent base at Jarablus modeled after the Bashiqa base near Mosul in Iraq.” Candar adds that the Turkish military coordinated “Operation Euphrates Shield” with about 1,500 Free Syrian Army (FSA) fighters, who have a “miserable record” of holding territory. Many of the FSA forces are composed of Salafists, and Gurcan adds that “their numbers are expected to reach 5,000-strong as they are joined by perhaps a dozen armed groups such as Ahrar al-Sham.” Ahrar al-Sham is allied with the Syrian Conquest Front, the rebranded Jabhat al-Nusra, al-Qaeda’s affiliate in Syria. The SDF and the YPG, unlike the FSA, have so far avoided alliances with the Syrian Conquest Front and other Salafi groups.

Nordsyrien: Türkei-Islamisten-Allianz greift Anti-IS-Allianz an

Absurder kann es nicht mehr werden: Die USA unterstützt den Einmarsch türkischer Truppen im Verbund mit dschihadistischen Gruppen, um angeblich den IS zu vertreiben (Kampflose Eroberung von Dscharablus: Wer an der türkischen Offensive auf Dscharablus beteiligt war). Deutschland sagt der Türkei Unterstützung zu.In einem Propagandavideo zeigen die türkischen Militärs die Eroberung der menschenleeren Stadt Jarablus.

Occupant Turkish army has launched an attack targeting a position of YPG (People's Defense Units) between Amude and Qamishlo cities of Rojava, West Kurdistan.

The attack has reportedly resulted in injuries.

.....However, on Wednesday, speaking at a press conference in Turkey alongside the prime minister, US Vice President Joe Biden said that the YPG would lose US support if they continued to spread westwards across the Euphrates river.

Demonstrations against Turkish occupation spread in Rojava

Thousands of people in Dirbêsiyê, Til Temir and Zirgan cities of Rojava's Cizîr Canton are protesting the Turkish state’s massacre and invasion in the south of Jarablus.

The people marched to the city center, chanting “Invading Turkish state, leave Rojava and Syria!”. Teacher Nojîn Sîdo read a statement in the name of the people. Sîdo condemned the occupant Turkish army’s massacre of civilians in the south of Jarablus and the international community for staying silent against the massacre and the Turkish state’s invasion.

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