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palestina libera

Beiträge: 1665

New PostErstellt: 17.01.16, 20:19     Betreff: As Israeli Military Collaboration with Saudi Arabia Increases, Murder of Elbit Engineer Remains Unso

As Israeli Military Collaboration with Saudi Arabia Increases, Murder of Elbit Engineer Remains Unsolved

Iran announced that it expects western sanctions to be lifted today. It awaits an IAEA report that will confirm it is adhering to provisions of the nuclear deal finalized several months ago by the P5+1 powers and Iran.

This is a major milestone not just for Iran, but for its enemies as well. While it could lead to a recalibration of relations between the Iranians and the U.S., it will also intensify hostility with the former’s leading regional adversary, Saudi Arabia.

The GOP and Israel are also deeply unhappy with the unraveling of their anti-Iran machinations. But the Saudis are most angry of all. Anything that helps their worst enemy hurts them, or so they believe. That is certainly one of the reasons they executed Sheikh Nimr al-Nimr last week. It is also why they were only too happy to cut off diplomatic relations with Iran after Iranians trashed the Saudi embassy in Tehran in response to the hanging. Finally, the Saudi-led war in Yemen is another extension of this rivalry as the Kingdom sees the Houthi rebels there as allies of Iran.

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