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palestina libera

Beiträge: 1665

New PostErstellt: 30.11.14, 15:43     Betreff: 58% of Israelis Support Firing Palestinian Workers According to News Poll

58% of Israelis Support Firing Palestinian Workers According to News Poll

Israel and the Rise of Judeo-Fascism

There are times when bad things happen to Israel and its response to them make things worse. Then there are times, without any prompting, Israel shoots itself in the foot (or mouth). Recent days offered a perfect example of this. In light of repeated tit-for-tat terror attacks in Jerusalem in recent weeks, along with Israeli expulsion of Palestinians from their East Jerusalem homes, and police pogroms in Al Aqsa mosque, Netanyahu has decided he’s got to teach those Palestinians a lesson they won’t soon forget.

So he’s proposed a series of what I call Israeli racialist laws that strip much of the “democracy” from the term commonly used to portray Israel: a “Jewish democratic state.” Na’aman Hirschfield, an Israeli academic living in Berlin, wrote this keen description of the proposed legislation in Haaretz, which he declares affirms the official triumph of Israeli apartheid:

…The government approved a bill that extends Israeli civil law into the settlements automatically (settlers are already subject to civil law) and thus officially extends the state’s civil jurisdiction into the west bank, which being an occupied territory, is currently governed through martial law…This territorializing action…seeks to dissolve the distinction between the occupied and non-occupied…

Jerusalem and collective punishment

Resolutions issued by the Israeli cabinet concerning Jerusalem all bear the stamp of incitement and escalation, indicating that the government has already decided to deal with the people of Jerusalem only through oppression, repression, collective punishment and murder.

Die verborgenen Dokumente, die die wahren Grenzen Israels und Palästinas enthüllen

Ich glaubte einmal, dass Israel seine Grenzen nie festgelegt hat. Es war eine jener Tatsachen, die „jeder wusste“. Ich wurde durch den Blogger „talknic“ korrigiert. Mondoweiss ist privilegiert talknic als häufigen Kommentator zu haben, und viele Leser hier werden mit dem Dokument vertraut sein, auf das er mich hinwies: den Brief von Eliahu Epstein, dem Vertreter der jüdischen Agentur in Washington, an Präsident Truman und an das Außenministerium am 14. Mai 1948.

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