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Beiträge: 514
Ort: Köln

New PostErstellt: 29.03.07, 15:24  Betreff: Re: Englisch  drucken  weiterempfehlen

wer das buch nicht gelesen hat oder nicht verstanden hat, gibt es hier von jedem chapter eine summary oben auf dieser Seite könnt ihr einstellen von welchem chapter eine summary angezeigt werden soll

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Beiträge: 514
Ort: Köln

New PostErstellt: 29.03.07, 15:30  Betreff: Re: Englisch  drucken  weiterempfehlen


Chapter I

Narrator: John

the following characters are introduced:

The first person narrator (JOHN) 

  • is called "The bathroom bomber"

  • he and his classmates roll scrawny fruits, such as apples and oranges, to the substitute teachers

  • he writes weird things on his desk

  • is a difficult child who only thinks of nonsense

  • isn´t interested in school at all

  • he finds school overcrowded


  • she has a miserable look

  • a comrade


Mrs Reillen

  • librarian at Franklin

  • wears tight skirts and nylon stockings

  • she is fat

  • you can hear every move she makes because of her nylon stockings.


Chapter II

Narrator: Lorraine

Some facts about Lorraine evealed by Chapter II:

  • always sees the good side of a person and of things.
    maybe she hasn´t got enough money to buy new things "

  • her mother is a nurse

  • helpful, considerate, solicitous

  • wants to heal the world
    -> she wants to convice John that smoking is bad for his health (S 14.
    1- 8)

How Lorraine sees John, her comrade:

  • handsome

  • blue-eyed

  • 6 feet tall

  • longish-brown hair

  • his eyes look through a person

  • drinks and smokes excessively

  • maybe the best liar at all ("fantastic everyday lies")

How Lorraine sees Mrs Reillen (called Cricket)

  • her clothes are too tight as a matter of fact

  • her nylons do make this scratchy sound

  • but she isn´t trying to be sexy (again her positive view of persons)

  • she has outgrown her clothes, perhaps she has no money to buy new ones

  • "nobody knows what problems she has"
    -> that shows again Lorraine´s profound character.

How Lorraine sees Mrs Stuart, the typing teacher

  • keeps her ill mother in the middle of the living-room

  • that´s probably why she isn´t married and doesn´t get one.

  • Lorraine feels pity for her.


Chapter III

Narrator: John

In Chapter III John presents himself as an onmiscient narrator who even knows what information Lorraine as narrator of Chapter II has already given the readers."Like Lorraine already told you ..." (p.20, line 1,2)

At the beginning of this Chapter John confirms how he has been described.
(I am handsome/ have fabulous eyes )

So the reader can assume that in fact he is self confident, arrogant, and conceited.

John goes on with a characterisation of Mrs. King:


Mrs King, the English teacher, is behind the time and not at all up to date even though she uses modern expresses such as "jazzy", "cool", "hip")
John thinks that the way she expresses herself does not suit to her and her age.

That´s what John likes of Mr. Pignati. He says that they´re delightful. He does not pretend to be modern and up to date.

Then John starts telling how it all began:

- First Dennis K. and Norton K. started telephone gags just to be joky.
Dennis is described as someone who talks slowly and behaves as if he had a brain damage-

Then, they started a new game in which the object was to keep a stranger talking on the phone as long as possible, though.

Then, for the first time, John´s father is talked about.
-> he is a dull person according to John
    (he put a lock on the phone so that he can´t phone)
-> he is often in a bad mood and bellows.
-> they had a lot of trouble with each other lately.

John says that he goes a little bit crazy when he feels he´s beeing picked on or not being trusted.

At the end of Chapter III the reader is said that Lorraine was the one who picked out the pigman´s phone number. .


Chapter IV

Narrator: Lorraine

In Chapter IV Lorraine refers to what John has said of Norton.
Here are some of her descriptions of Norton



he has eyes like a mean mouse


he´s pretty big, even bigger than John


he is called Marshmallow Kid because he got caught stealing a bag of Marshmallows from a supermarket.


Since that time he is a social outcast and keeps on thinking that the others are always trying to throw rusty beer cans at him. 


he is also very unsuccessful with his telephone calls even though he prefers talking to women who are usually more patient and talkative. (gesprächsfreudig)

These descriptions of Norton are followed by the long telephone call with a certain Mr. Pignati.During the telephone call they found out some facts about him and his life.
John pretends to be of a charity organisation called "The Lorraine and John Fund". Later he only uses the short form "The L. and. J. Fund". Maybe he is afraid of getting into trouble when it turns out that it was all a joke. So he prefers not mentioning his and her forename.

Lorraine describes John as someone who "prevaricates jut for prevarication´s sake"
At the end of the telephone call Mr. Pignati consents to donate 10 Dollars.


Chapter V

Narrator: John

John and Lorraine visit Mr. Pignati who is very glad to see them. He shows them around the house and the two children get the first view of the Pigman´s pig collection. His pigs are from all over the world. He has glass pigs(Schweinchen aus Glas), clay pigs(Schweinchen aus Ton) und marble pigs (Schweinchen aus Marmor) . Mr. Pignati is very proud of them. At the end of Chapter V Mr. Pignati gives them a $10 Dollar check.


Chapter VI

Narrator: Lorraine

Chapter VI starts with Lorraine and John going to Tony´s Market. They have received the $10 donation from Mr. Pignati. There at Tony´s Market everyone can buy alcohol and cigarettes no matter how old one is.
John cashes the check he got from Mr. Pignati and takes the money for alcohol and cigarettes whereas Lorraine buys a chocolate drink from her own money. She doesn´t want to be involved in that matter and tries to compensate her feeling of being guilty as much as it is now possible.

->Lorraine is the first who feels pity for the old man and is ashamed for the whole matter. Unlike her John shows himself superficial(oberflächlich) and unscrupulous (gewissenlos).

In Chapter VI we see Lorraine in an argument with her mother...
It is said that "she is quick with her hand" what certainly means that she often slaps her daughter´s face when she´s angry or outraged.
Later she phones John and they agree on a zoo visit. There, at the zoo, they want to meet Mr. Pignati.
The next day Mr. PIgnati arrives on time. First they are a bit ashamed to go out with someone who´s much older than they are.
Lorraine is afraid of some of the animals. She is scared of the snakes(Schlangen) and of the peacock(Pfau) whereas John especially likes the dangerous animals such as alligators, vultures and snakes.

So we can add some character traits ...

John: daring (wagemutig), loves the risk
Lorraine: timid (ängstlich), nervous

Then, Mr. Pignati introduces his best friend Bobo, a baboon, to them.

The baboon who lives in the monkey house is described by Lorraine:
- the ugliest, most vicious(gefährlich) looking animal
- monstrous teeth that look like dentures (Zahnprothese)
- voracious (gefräßig)

John and Lorraine are anything but keen on Bobo. That´s why they leave Mr. Pignati with his best friend alone for about half an hour .
John makes fun of a gorilla that is also in the monkey house.


Chapter VII

Narrator: John

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[editiert: 09.09.07, 20:38 von Admin]
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Beiträge: 514
Ort: Köln

New PostErstellt: 29.03.07, 15:39  Betreff: Re: Englisch  drucken  weiterempfehlen

gleich kommen noch zwei kapitel

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Beiträge: 514
Ort: Köln

New PostErstellt: 29.03.07, 15:41  Betreff: Re: Englisch  drucken  weiterempfehlen

irgendwie, wenn ich hier die beiden einfüge, verschiebt sich alles nach rechts

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Beiträge: 514
Ort: Köln

New PostErstellt: 29.03.07, 15:42  Betreff: Re: Englisch  drucken  weiterempfehlen


Chapter IX

Narrator: John

  • At the beginning of the Chapter, John talks about his relation with Norton and about his bad character because Norton has suggested to meet at the cemetry near Masterson´s tomb again. As John knows Norton´s bad traits( Characterzüge) he is very suspicious and reveals Norton´s evil character to the reader in detail. So the reader learns a lot of important facts about Norton:



    • he played with dolls as a kid

    • he is a tough guy - because he throws stones at other people
                               - because he beats everybody up
                               - because he calls everybody "sissy"(Weichling)

    • keeps on stealing things

    • his eyes even drift out of focus when you´re talking to him.

  • There at the cemetry Norton menaces to harm the old man if he doesn´t get more information about him. Norton threatens to visit the Pigman together with Dennis. John is angry about that and leaves him immediately.

    In addition to that we get a closer view of his family: John´s brother is called Kenny and he seems to very very intelligent and good at school. He seems to be very talented except of drinking and smoking. As the reader already knows John´s mother has the nickname "OLD LADY" and his father has the nickname "BORE"




Chapter X

Narrator: Lorraine

  • Lorraine is at home. Her mother is angry because she believes that her daughter was given a lift by a young man and ignored her strict rules concerning this item. Her mother doesn´t want her daughter to be picked up in a car by somebody because she is afraid that her Lorraine might be raped.
    That´s why she wants her to ride the bus with the money she gets from her.

  • Lorraine gives her mother the nylong stockings she got from Mr. Pignati and pretends that she did not take the bus in order to save the money and to spend it on the nylon stockings.

  • The reader gets more information about Lorraine´s parents. Her father seems to have made love with another woman while her mother was pregnant.

  • Later Lorraine and John visit Mr. Pigman. Bobo wouldn´t eat and therefore Mr. Pignati is very worried and sad. They watch a comedy on TV. Then they confess him not being charity workers and apologize for not having said the truth, but Mr. Pignati is in thoughts and doesn´t really listen to them. He remembers the time when his wife Conchetta was still alive.Tears run down his face and he breaks into sobs when he mentions Conchetta´s death.

  • At the end of the chapter they start scating inside the house. Yet Mr. Pignati suddenly presses his right hand to his chest and falls to the bottom of the stairs.


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Beiträge: 514
Ort: Köln

New PostErstellt: 29.03.07, 20:24  Betreff: Re: Englisch  drucken  weiterempfehlen

lest euch diese hier reingestellten Texte von eizelnen Kapitel durch, denn wenn man dies gelesen hat, versteht man wirklich (fast) alles worum es hier in den Chapter 1-10 geht, usw...

Also sehr Empfehlenswert

[editiert: 29.03.07, 20:25 von Admin]
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Beiträge: 514
Ort: Köln

New PostErstellt: 29.03.07, 20:44  Betreff: Re: Englisch  drucken  weiterempfehlen

hier noch etwas :

The Story
(Zusammenfassung /Inhaltsangabe : THE PIGMAN)
siehe auch : best Link to "THE PIGMAN"

Die Geschichte "The Pigman" handelt von John und Lorraine, die an einer Highschool sind und mit ihrem Leben nicht wirklich zufrieden sind. Beide haben zuhause nicht viel zu Lachen und Probleme mit ihren Eltern.
Johns Mutter, Mrs Conlan, geht John mit ihrem Putzwahn tierisch auf die Nerven, so dass sich John seinerseits mit kleinen Gemeinheiten rächt. Auch in der Schule ist er für jeden Unfug zu haben und hält sowohl die Lehrer als auch die Schüler als "toilet bomber" in Atem. Möglicherweise ist dies seine Art, seinen Frust zu entladen.
Mrs. Jensen dagegen, Lorraines Mutter, ist vom Leben und insbesondere in der Liebe enttäuscht und warnt ständig ihre Tochter vor Männern. Misstrauisch beäugelt sie so jedes Ausgehen und vor allem jede Bekanntschaft ihrer Tochter.
So ist es kein Wunder, dass sie Liebe, Bestätigung und Bedeutung außerhalb ihrer Familie suchen.

The Pigman is a story about John and Lorraine, high school sophomores who, not getting what they need from their families, must surreptitiously seek love, reassurance, and meaning on the outside.

Im Laufe der Geschichte freunden sich die so unterschiedlichen Charaktere John und Lorraine an und machen auch die Bekanntschaft mit einem gewissen Mr. Pignati, der "THE PIGMAN " genannt wird. Dieser nimmt sich nicht nur die Zeit, den beiden zuzuhören, sondern steht Ihnen auch mit Rat und Tat beiseite. The PIGMAN wird für die beiden zu einer Art "Ersatzvater". Die so glückliche Beziehung zwischen John, Lorraine und Mr. Pignati zu Beginn endet jedoch tragisch. Näheres hierzu jedoch später...

In each other and Mr. Pignati (the Pigman), owner of a porcelain pig collection, they find love and reassurance; the meaning they find in themselves, in the unfolding of their relationship with Mr. Pignati and the drama leading to his death.

John ist ein gut gut aussehender Junge mit stürmischem Temperament. Er trinkt und raucht ausgiebig. Lorraine ist dagegen schüchtern und leidet zuweilen an Paranoia. John fühlt sich ihr gegenüber irgendwie hingezogen, sei es wegen ihrer Spontanität oder aber ihrer ebenso verrückten Ideen wegen.

John, a handsome and wild boy, drinks and smokes excessively; and, as Lorraine points out, only his good looks have kept him out of reform school. Lorraine, a shy girl John's own age, has low self-esteem and mild paranoia. John becomes attracted to her because he sees in her the same spontaneous, crazy quality that he has and no one else seems to share.

John und Lorraine treffen "THE PIGMAN" durch einen Telefonstreich, bei dem sie sich als Vertreter einer Wohltätigkeitsorganisation ausgeben. Ziel des Telefonspiels, das sie zusammen mit Dennis und Norton machen, ist es, einen Fremden möglichst lange am Telefon zu halten. Sie bekommen von Mr. Pignati sogar eine Zusage, $10,00 spenden zu wollen, fühlen sich aber nach dem Telefonat irgendwie unwohl, da Ihnen bewusst geworden ist, wie einsam sich Mr. Pignati fühlt. So machen sie sich auf den Weg, um diesen zu besuchen und mit ihm gemeinsam Bobo - ein im Zoo lebender Pavian und Mr. Pignatis bester Freund- zu füttern. Alles scheint wunderbar: Die Jugendlichen fühlen sich geborgen bei Pigman, wie sie ihn aufgrund seines Namens und seiner Schweinesammlung nennen, die er für seine Frau Conchetta angelegt hat. In seiner Gutmütigkeit führt Mr. Pignati die beiden in ein großes Warenhaus - Beekman´s -, wo er diesen Roller Skates und Gourmet-Essen kauft. Zusammen spielen sie die verschiedensten Spiele. Sie sind vergleichbar mit den drei Äffchen, die sie im großen ´Beekman´s Warenhaus sehen. Diese umarmen sich einander, halten sich fest und drücken sich lieb, während die Geschäftswelt gleichgültig an ihnen vorbei läuft und sie größtenteils ignoriert. Nach diesem ausgiebigen Einkaufsbummel jedoch beschließen John und Lorraine, Mr. Pignati die Wahrheit über den Streich zu erzählen. Und auch der alte Herr hat den beiden ein kleines Geständnis zu machen.

John and Lorraine meet Mr. Pignati via a phone game to see who can keep a stranger on the line the longest. They get a $10.00 donation for a bogus charity and feel guilty about it, since they perceive how lonely the Pigman is. To make up for taking the money, they take Pigman to feed his only friend in the world, Bobo, an incredibly bad-tempered baboon. Soon, Lorraine and John become close friends with the Pigman, who takes them to Beekman's, a large department store, where he buys them roller skates and gourmet food. They play games together. They are like the three monkeys that they see in the pet department at Beekman's, hugging each other to be loved, and all the while the cold, indifferent world goes about its business ignoring them.

Als Mr. Pignati John und Lorraine seine Schweinesammlung zeigt, die, wie bereits gesagt, einst seiner verstorbenen Frau gehörte, ermöglicht er den beiden zugleich, einen Blick in sein Haus zu werfen und einen ersten Schritt in seine Lebenswelt zu setzen. Es dauert nicht lang bis sich John, Lorraine und "The Pigman" anfreunden.

Mr. Pignati, as he shows them his pig collection that once belonged to his deceased wife, gives John and Lorraine the run of his house.

Während eines Roller-Scate Spiels in Mr. Pignatis Haus, bekommt The PIGMAN einen Herzinfakt, während er John die Treppen hochjagt. Er wird sofort ins Krankenhaus eingeliefert und in seiner Abwesenheit veranstalten John und Lorraine eine wilde Party in seinem Haus. Zum Höhepunkt der Feier erscheint jedoch plötzlich Mr. Pignati. Während John und Lorraine von der Polizei abgeführt werden, weint "THE PIGMAN" einsam vor sich hin.

One day during a game of roller skate tag in his house, Mr. Pignati has a heart attack while chasing John up the stairs. He is taken to the hospital, and in his absence John and Lorraine use the house to throw a wild party. Mr. Pignati returns unexpectedly at the height of the commotion. John and Lorraine are taken home by the police; the Pigman cries alone in his room.

John und Lorraine sind nach dem Vorfall sehr bedrückt. Sie fühlen sich irgendwie schuldig, die Freundschaft zu Mr. Pignati ausgenützt und Schaden in seinem Haus verursacht zu haben. Deshalb haben sie ein äußerst schlechtes Gewissen. Ein ungebetener Gast, ein gewisser Norton, hatte zahlreiche wertvolle Schweine getötet als er sich nach Geld umschaute. Um dies alles wieder gut zu machen, überreden sie Mr. Pignati, mit Ihnen in den Zoo zu gehen, um Bobo im Zoo am nächsten Tag zu besuchen. Leider ist Bobo aber tot und Mr. Pignati geht an all den Vorfällen vergangener Zeit seelisch zugrunde. - Seine Frau ist tot, eine Schweine sind tot, sein bester Freund Bobo ist nun tot. Dies ist einfach zu viel für "THE PIGMAN".

John and Lorraine feel remorseful for betraying Pigman's friendship and for the destruction of his precious pigs by their uninvited friend, Norton, a thief,looking for money. To smooth things over, they convince Mr. Pignati to join them to see Bobo at the zoo the next day. But Bobo is dead. Poor Mr. Pignati cannot take the heartbreak. His wife is dead. The pigs are destroyed. His best friend Bobo is dead. Mr. Pignati dies, too.

John und Lorraine wissen, dass sie zumindest teilweise Schuld an seinem Tod haben. Sie begreifen nun, dass sie selbst und nicht andere für ihr eigenes Schicksal verantwortlich sind und, dass nicht nur sie, sondern auch andere Gefühle haben, die leicht verletzt werden können.

John and Lorraine know they are partly to blame for his death. They know now they are also responsible for what happens in their lives.

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Beiträge: 514
Ort: Köln

[editiert: 09.09.07, 20:37 von Admin]
New PostErstellt: 09.09.07, 20:35  Betreff:  Re: Englisch  drucken  weiterempfehlen


Tipps zum Formulieren von Sätzen

(Title) is a novel by (author).(Titel) ist ein Roman von (Autor).
(Title) was written by (author).(Titel) wurde von (Autor) geschrieben.
The story is about (topic).Die Geschichte handelt von (Thema).
The novel tells the story of (hero/topic).Der Roman handelt von (Held/Thema).
(Title) tells of (hero), who ...(Titel) erzählt die Geschichte von (Held), der ...
In (title) by (author), the reader is taken(Titel) von (Autor) versetzt den Leser in
into (place/time of story).(Zeit/Ort der Handlung).
(Title) is the story of (hero/action/...)(Titel) ist die Geschichte von (Held/Handlung/...)
(Title) is set in the period of (event).(Titel) spielt in der Zeit von (Ereignis).
As the story begins, ...Zu Beginn der Geschichte ...
During ...Während ...
While ...Während ...
As/When ...Als ...
Since/As ...Weil ...
Just then ...Genau in diesem Moment ...
After ...Nachdem ...
Before ...Bevor ...
Before long ...Nicht lange danach/Bald darauf ...
Soon ...Bald darauf ...
Soon afterwards ...Bald darauf ...
As soon as ...Sobald ...
One day/evening ...Eines Tages/Abends ...
The following day ...Am folgenden Tag ...
Some time later ...Einige Zeit später ...
Hours/Months/Years later, ....Stunden/Monate/Jahre später ...
By morning/the next day/the time ...Bis zum Morgen/nächsten Tag/Zeitpunkt als ...
Meanwhile ...In der Zwischenzeit ...
However, ...Jedoch/Wie dem auch sei ...
Again/Once again ...Wieder einmal ...
At this point ...Zu diesem Zeitpunkt ...
To his surprise ...Zu seiner Überraschung ...
This incident is/was followed by ...Diesem Ereignis folgt(e) ...
To make matters even worse ...Was die Sache noch verschlimmert(e) war, dass ...
Eventually, .../Finally, ...Schließlich ...
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New PostErstellt: 05.05.08, 22:20  Betreff: Re: Englisch  drucken  weiterempfehlen

reveiws Page
reviews of ddd
,i hab aber nur diese genohmen.

reviews of ddd

Was dich nicht umbringt,
Macht dich nur noch Stärker.


[editiert: 05.05.08, 22:23 von vovan1]
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New PostErstellt: 06.05.08, 13:04  Betreff: Re: Englisch  drucken  weiterempfehlen

jetzt nur noch abschreiben--> am dönerstag vorlesen--> mündlich "1" bekommen 

Die Hölle, das sind die anderen. (C) Jean-Paul Sartre
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